carbon monoxide detectors for sale image
How many places should I register? What type of things does one register for? How many items should I register for? Do I register for the bigger price items too? When I had my first baby 7 years ago, I was a older teen mom and I did it all on my own with either hand me downs or garage sale stuff. Now that I am having one the right way (being married and all that jazz), my family and friends are having a shower and suggesting that I register. My family says one thing, but I thinking another. Please help settle the debate.... THANKS!
Answer This is a list a friend of mine found for me on a baby site...Im 33 weeks and i registered at 2 Stores and put everything i needed on there....Good luck!
Baby mittens (to keep from scratching its own face!)
baby hats (light ones for indoors, their heads get cold easily)
bottle brush
breast pump (if u wanna breastfeed)
nursing pads
nursing bras
diapers size newborn and size 1 (u dont know how big the baby will be!)
these i stole off a website
Basic Layette (ok u need a lot more then this but ull figure that out! lol)
__ 3-6 Onesies
__ 3-6 Hats and Booties
__ 3-6 Receiving Blankets
__ 3-6 Sleep & Play outfits
__ 3-6 Bibs
__ 3 Gowns
__ Diapers (4 dozen cloth, at least 8 diaper covers & 8 Safety Pins)
(Figure using 8 disposable diapers per day minimum)
Basic Necessities
__ Baby Bath tub!
__ Infant Car Seat
__ First Aid Kit
__ Syrup of Ipecac (no idea what the hell this is!)
__ Smoke Detector for Baby's Room
__ Carbon Monoxide Detector
__ Thermometer (rectal works best with infants)
__ Diaper Bag with changing pad
__ Brush and Comb
__ Baby Shampoo
__ Baby Soap
__ Baby Lotion
__ Baby Oil
__ Petroleum Jelly (vaseline)
__ Baby Powder
__ Cotton Swabs
__ Baby Wipes
__ Diaper Rash Ointment
__ Nail Scissors
__ Suction Bulb
__ Pacifier (Buy a couple different styles, your baby will have a preference.)
__ Pacifier Tether (Make sure that the cord is short.)
__ Spray Sanitizer or Disinfectant (i use clorox wipes, they have no bleach in them! but they work amazing)
__ Bath Water Thermometer
__ 4-6 Baby Washcloths
__ 2-3 Hooded Bathtowels
__ 6-8 Bottles
__ Bottle Brush
__ Laundry Soap (i use baby all, dreft leaves anasty after scent)
__ Bleach (LIGHT bleach, i use the new bleach that is like laundry detergent)
__ Baby Oxy Clean (for those tough spit up stains, this works wonders)
__ Sleeping Wedge (Keeps baby sleeping on it's side.)
__ Bedding Set (it is recommended u use the comforter for decoration, do not put it in the crib with the baby!
__ 10- Receiving blankets
__ 3-6 Fitted Crib Sheets
__ 3 Crib Pads
Furniture & Durable Baby Accessories
__ Crib
__ Mattress
__ Changing Table (Preferably with safety rails, always with safety straps.)
__ Changing Table Pad (Plastic or vinyl and easy to santize.)
__ Rocking Chair
__ Cradle or Bassinet
__ Stroller
__ Playpen
__ Bouncer Infant Seat (For in-home use only.)
__ Diaper Pail (the new diaper genie 2 is good, dont get the original it sucks!)
__ Baby Monitor
__ Lamp with night light
For the New Mother
__ Birth Announcements
__ 12-14 Nursing Pads (either washable or throw-aways)
__ 2-4 Nighttime Nursing Gowns
__ 3-6 Nursing Bras
__ Nursing Tops
__ Breast Pump (Electric or Manual)
For the New Father
__ Cigars (Real or artificial)
Helpful Extras to Make Life More Comfortable
__ Baby Carrier (i love the snugglie one, it worked wonders with alyssa)
__ Nursing Pillow (boppy love it!)
__ Nursing Stool
__ Humidifier
__ Swing
__ Portable Crib
__ Baby Bath Tub
__ Car Rear Window Mirrors (Allows you to see your baby in the back seat.)
__ Head support - Padded Seat
__ Soothing
music that contains Heartbeat and Womb Sounds
__ Infant Sunglasses with 100% UV Protection (these are not recommended anymore, they can cause damage to babies eyes!)
__ Mobile
__ Foot and Wrist Rattles
__ Bottle Warmer
__ Bottle Insulator Covers
__ Bottle Sterilizer (If you don't have a dishwasher.)
__ Dishwasher Basket for Nipples and Rings
__ Baby Wipe Warmer
__ Car Seat Protector (Protects upholstery beneath and around the car seat.)
__ Stroller Cup Holder (Attaches to handle or side.)
__ Hands-Free Baby Bottle
__ Baby Milestones and Memories Book
__ Nursery Wallpaper and Paint
__ Toys
Things to Buy Later...5 months and older
__ High Chair
__ Stationary Exercise & Play Seat
__ Back Pack Carrier
__ Outlet Covers
__ Drawer Latches
__ Safety Gates
__ TV and VCR Covers
__ Bath Seat
__ Bathtub Spout Cover
__ Baby Food Grinder
__ Books
__ Feeding Dishes and Utensils
__ Tub Toys
Does anyone have the exact wording for the NY state law concerning Carbon Monoxide detectors?
Subdivision 5-A of Section 378 of the Executive law:
Standards for installation of carbon monoxide detectors requiring
that every one or two-family dwelling constructed or offered for sale
after July thirtieth, two thousand two, any dwelling accommodation
located in a building owned as a condominium or cooperative in the state
constructed or offered for sale after July thirtieth, two thousand two,
or any multiple dwellings constructed or offered for sale after August
ninth, two thousand five shall have installed an operable carbon
monoxide detector of such manufacture, design and installation standards
as are established by the council. Carbon monoxide detectors required by
this section are required only where the dwelling unit has appliances,
devices or systems that may emit carbon monoxide or has an attached
garage. For purposes of this subdivision, multiple dwelling means a
dwelling which is either rented, leased, let or hired out, to be
occupied, or is occupied as the temporary or permanent residence or home
of three or more families living independently of each other, including
but not limited to the following: a tenement, flat house, maisonette
apartment, apartment house, apartment hotel, tourist house, bachelor
apartment, studio apartment, duplex apartment, kitchenette apartment,
hotel, lodging house, rooming house, boarding house, boarding and
nursery school, furnished room house, club, sorority house, fraternity
house, college and school dormitory, convalescent, old age or nursing
homes or residences. It shall also include a dwelling, two or more
stories in height, and with five or more boarders, roomers or lodgers
residing with any one family. For the purposes of this section, sale
shall mean the transfer of ownership of a business or property, provided
however, transfer of franchises shall not be deemed a sale. New
construction shall mean a new facility or a separate building added to
an existing facility.
Sorry about the formatting. It wouldn't paste properly. It may be easier to read on the site. The link is to the legislature page. Once you click the New York law link you can navigate to the citation.
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