Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014

Is it normal for a carbon monoxide detector to read 0 ppm?


I got a carbon monoxide detector, which reads 0 ppm. It has a feature that allows you to check the highest level within the past 24 hours, which also is 0 ppm. Is this normal? I thought there might be one or two ppm in the house.

It can read it. But f you want to know if it is working then it will either need to be calibrated by a professional (cheaper to buy a new one), or quick gut check take it to the hood of an 80% gas HW heater. It should give you some reading and I usually see above 9 when around a water heater.

What level of carbon monoxide is dangerous?


My NIGHTHAWK carbon monoxide detector is reading 9...I did just cook a turkey,

That detector is reading in parts per million (ppm). 9 ppm is basically harmless. OSHA allows workers to be exposed to 50 ppm. 100ppm is considered fatal. They set those detectors very low to give you plenty of time to correct a problem.
What JB said about opening a window is a good idea.

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New baby needs?

Q. I'm 25 weeks pregnant w/ my second child. My other child is almost 5. I have somewhat forgotten exactly what I will need when the new baby comes home, and was wondering if you can give me a list of everything she will need like onesies, burp rags, diapers, bibs, etc.........I'm making a list to start buying things and I don't want to leave anything off! Thank you for your help.

Basic Layette
__ 3-6 Onesies
__ 3-6 Hats and Booties
__ 3-6 Receiving Blankets
__ 3-6 Sleep & Play outfits
__ 3-6 Bibs
__ 3 Gowns
__ Diapers (4 dozen cloth, at least 8 diaper covers & 8 Safety Pins)
(Figure using 8 disposable diapers per day minimum)

Basic Necessities
__ Infant Car Seat
__ First Aid Kit
__ Syrup of Ipecac
__ Smoke Detector for Baby's Room
__ Carbon Monoxide Detector
__ Thermometer
__ Diaper Bag with changing pad
__ Brush and Comb
__ Baby Shampoo
__ Soap
__ Lotion
__ Baby Oil
__ Petroleum Jelly
__ Baby Powder
__ Cotton Swabs
__ Baby Wipes
__ Diaper Rash Ointment
__ Nail Scissors
__ Suction Bulb
__ Pacifier (Buy a couple different styles, your baby will have a preference.)
__ Pacifier Tether (Make sure that the cord is short.)
__ Spray Sanitizer or Disinfectant (ie. Lysol)
__ Bath Water Thermometer
__ 4-6 Baby Washcloths
__ 2-3 Hooded Bathtowels
__ 6-8 Bottles
__ Bottle Brush
__ Laundry Soap (Mild)
__ Bleach

__ Sleeping Wedge (Keeps baby sleeping on it's side.)
__ Bedding Set (Comforter, bumper pad, skirt, fitted sheet, diaper stacker.)
__ 3-6 Fitted Crib Sheets
__ 3 Crib Pads

Furniture & Durable Baby Accessories
__ Crib
__ Mattress
__ Changing Table (Preferably with safety rails, always with safety straps.)
__ Changing Table Pad (Plastic or vinyl and easy to santize.)
__ Rocking Chair
__ Cradle or Bassinet
__ Stroller
__ Playpen
__ Bouncer Infant Seat (For in-home use only.)
__ Diaper Pail
__ Baby Monitor
__ Lamp with night light

Helpful Extras to Make Life More Comfortable
__ Baby Carrier (ie. front pack or sling)
__ Nursing Pillow
__ Nursing Stool
__ Humidifier
__ Swing
__ Portable Crib
__ Baby Bath Tub
__ Car Rear Window Mirrors (Allows you to see your baby in the back seat.)
__ Head support - Padded Seat
__ Soothing music that contains Heartbeat and Womb Sounds
__ Infant Sunglasses with 100% UV Protection
__ Mobile
__ Foot and Wrist Rattles
__ Bottle Warmer
__ Bottle Insulator Covers
__ Bottle Sterilizer (If you don't have a dishwasher.)
__ Dishwasher Basket for Nipples and Rings
__ Baby Wipe Warmer
__ Car Seat Protector (Protects upholstery beneath and around the car seat.)
__ Stroller Cup Holder (Attaches to handle or side.)
__ Hands-Free Baby Bottle
__ Baby Milestones and Memories Book
__ Nursery Wallpaper and Paint
__ Toys

Things to Buy Later...5 months and older
__ High Chair
__ Stationary Exercise & Play Seat
__ Back Pack Carrier
__ Outlet Covers
__ Drawer Latches
__ Safety Gates
__ TV and VCR Covers
__ Bath Seat
__ Bathtub Spout Cover
__ Baby Food Grinder
__ Books
__ Feeding Dishes and Utensils
__ Tub Toys

What is a good baby shower theme?

ur mom

I need a baby shower theme for a boy and girl. And I need to no some gifts I should put on the registry and prizes for some games

Some people go with themes others do not...they have abc themes, pooh, disney babies, jungle animals, monkeys, sea life, forest animals etc...

Gift ideas:
This is checklist for a new baby:D

Crib or bassinet / co-sleeper
Waterproof crib liner
Crib mattress
Mattress pad
Fitted sheets (cotton or flannel)
Crib bedding set
Crib blankets (3-5)
Crib lights (2)
Receiving blankets (4-5)
Sleep positioner
Changing table
Changing pads and covers
Dresser / armoire
Rocking chair or gliding rocker
Ottoman or nursing stool
Nursery monitor
Crib mirror
Crib toys
Toy box
Nursery storage
Window treatments
Clothing / Layette (for newborn to 6 months)
Home-from-the-hospital outfit
Pullover T-shirts
Side-snap T-shirts
Onesies or bodysuits
Layette sets
Sleeping gowns or stretchies
Footed rompers
Top and pant sets
Baby laundry detergent
Lightweight cotton sweaters (2)
Booties and socks
Shoes (2)
Snowsuit (for winter babies)
Warm hats (2)
Baby hangers
Diaper bag
Diaper pail and liners
Rash ointment and powders
Wipes warmer
Travel pack wipes
Infant tub
Tub splash seat
Hooded towels (2-4)
Baby lotion
Baby oil
Baby shampoo
Bath toys
Tub toy pouch
Hooded towels (2-4)
Baby washcloths (4-6)
Tub thermometer
Elbow cushion
Foam tub insert
Tub spout cover
Bath gift set
Plastic bottle (4 and 8 oz) nipples and nipple covers
Bottle sterilizer
Bottle liners
Breast pads, shields and cream
Nursing bras (4)
Nursing shirts (2)
Nursing cover-up
Breast pump kit
Lap pads and burp cloths
Nursing pillow
Nursing stool
Case(s) of formula
Bibs (6-10)
Feeding spoons (4)
Training (spill-proof) cups (3-4)
Highchair cover
Feeding seat
Dishwasher-safe nipples
Bottle drying rack
Bottle brush
Bottle warmer
Highchair splat mat
Dishwasher nipple basket
Travel formula dispenser
Milk storage bags
Gas relief drops
First-aid supplies
Baby brush and comb
Nail clippers
Nasal aspirator
Infant tooth and gum cleaner
Alcohol swabs
Baby fever reducer
Cotton swabs
Baby grooming kit
Shopping cart cover
Baby monitor
Safety gate
Carbon monoxide detector
Outlet covers
Corner covers
Door knob covers
Cabinet locks
Toilet seat locks
Baby harness
Fireplace cover
Bouncer seat
Rattles & Teethers
Gym or play mat
Mobile for nursery
Activity center / walker
Car seat / stroller toys
Guide books on pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and parenting
Lullaby music
Books for siblings
Educational music movies
Rear-facing infant car seat
Car seat head support
Sling or soft carrier
Backpack carrier (for when baby outgrows soft carrier)
Portable crib
Playpen / playard
Stroller cup holder
Travel booster seat
Extra car seat base
Stroller frame
Toy auto mirror
Digital camera
Baby album
Baby journal
Picture frames
Disposable camera
Personalized gifts

Baby shower prizes:
Unique Shower Prize Ideas from ( )

â¢Gift Certificates from a cute little boutique, coffee shop or book store



â¢A Picture Frame

â¢A Recipe Box

â¢A Cool Mug From Starbucks

â¢Potted Plants

â¢Tea Cup, Saucer and Tea Bags

â¢Bath Salts and Bath Beads

â¢Cute Soaps

â¢Dish Towels


â¢Cool Kitchen Gadgets

â¢A Washcloth and Bar of Soap Tied Together With Raffia

â¢Baby Shaped Cookies

â¢Baby Themed Lollipops

â¢Polka Dot Painted Terra Cotta Pots - with seed packets in them

â¢Cute Little Handbags

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Carbon monoxide detector beeping so my took the batteries out. ?


I was in my moms room and could here a beep so I woke her up. We went downstairs to see what it was. It was the carbon monoxide alarm at the top of my basement steps. It was going. Beep beep beep warning carbon monoxide beep beep beep winning carbon monoxide. An it was really loud. So my mom took it off the wall an took out the batteries. I told get were should call someone cause it was going off for at least half an hour. But she doesn't care just went back to sleep and I'm kinds scared because I feel really light headed. What should I do. I told my mom carbon monoxide could kill its but she kinda doesn't care.

Each year more than 400 Americans die from unintentional CO poisoning. More than 20,000 will visit the emergency room and more than 4,000 are hospitalized due to CO poisoning.

If you hear your carbon monoxide detector beeping, most experts would recommend that you immediately call emergency services and get out of your home.

Ignoring carbon monoxide detectors can be dangerous. CO is an odorless and colorless gas, which is why it is often referred to as the "silent killer." When this alarm sounds (intermittent beeps) it means this gas has been leaking unbeknownst to you and has reached a dangerous level.

What do you do when the alarm (intermittent beeping) goes off? The first thing to do, DO NOT ignore the beeping of the alarm. Should you or others in your household experience any of the following symptoms indicating the possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning, such as headache, nausea, dizziness, or confusion, you must get to a hospital or call 9-1-1 immediately. And, DO NOT re-enter the home until emergency services has indicated it is safe to return.

On the other hand, if no one is showing signs or symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, go ahead and open all windows to get air ventilation. Next, turn off any appliances such as your gas-fired furnace or a running generator. After the home has gotten ventilation, reset the carbon monoxide detectors. If the detectors do not sound again, call a qualified technician to inspect and repair any problem. Should the alarm sound a second time (and no one is showing signs of CO poisoning, vent the home and call your local fire department. Emergency personnel will advise you when it is safe to return home.

My carbon monoxide alarm beeped?


Pleasee heeelp!!!!
My monoxide barbon detector beeped... It started beeping the night before last night, 1. Beep ever minute i guess, then i pressed the reset button and it stopped. Last night, same thing . And today, it beeped 4 beeps every 5 seconds(it says on the back thats the carbon alarm!! I changed the batteries, now it seems to be ok... Whay should i do ??
The dector is new!! I have it for like, 2 years, or something ....
But later it was beeping 4 beeps every 5seconds, the thing says when this happens, its because it feels the carbon monoxide =/

change the battery's, get a new one could be a defect, if still keeps beeping call 911 or your local gas company

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Jumat, 28 Maret 2014

Smoke alarms - why would they go off in unison for no apparent reason?

Michelle S

Our smoke alarms all went off in unison tonight for no apparent reason.. I didnt know they could do that for a false alarm? Anyhow, I am worried that as there wasnt a fire, it was due to carbon monoxide, as one of our alarms is a carbon monoxide detector.
How can I check that monoxide isnt an issue for us? What other things can make a fire alarm go off for no reason?

Maybe you only thought they went off. Maybe the sound was actually coming from inside your ear. That's a common condition called tinnitus.

Another possibility is that they were trying to practice singing in harmony, but it didn't work, because smoke alarms are tone deaf.

The strangest thing happend to me early this morning.?


Around 3:00am my carbon monoxide detectors went off and i jumped out bad faster then i had ever jumped out of bed before. After i started walking to check the alarm, i lost all hearing, I literally went deaf for about 2 minutes and mt stomach hurt like it never hurt before, I did everything i could from throwing up. Is this normal or was this just a freak thing that occurred? Also, I felt completely fine when i woke up later this morning and all day today.

that was some vivid dream!

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Rabu, 26 Maret 2014

Do I need a carbon monoxide detector?


My heater runs on gas, but it's in the attic and on our roof we have those spinning things that I guess vent the attic (I think). Also, our "Rinnai" water heater is outside. So, do I need a carbon monoxide detector in my house. My husband says we don't.

yes you should have a c.o. detecter..if the furnace malfunctioned or the vent pipe came apart,,some c.o. could come through the ductwork into the home,,not likely but possible..if you have a garage you have even more reason to get a c.o. detecter,but having gas heat is reason enough,they dont cost that much,,they also make combination c.o. / smoke detecters if you need another smoke detecter far as c.o. detecters go,,i prefer the "kidde" brand over the "first alert",,less false alarms.......dan

Is Carbon Monoxide detector reliable?


I installed two Kidde carbon monoxide dectector in the 2nd floor and first floor. Those detectors have highest peak read in digital format. I checked the level every day. Some times it reads '0' and sometimes it reads up to '28'. I reset the dectors to '0' and wait usually. The pattern is, if I set the thermostat of our heaters to a highter temperator, it shows higher level. But sometimes, for no reason, it reads a higher level. Does anybody have this product and think this is realiable?

Kidde products are very reliable and I would feel very safe using them. The reason you are getting changing levels is because CO moves around in the house ie. when the furnace kicks off and on. It sounds as if you might have a problem with your furnace NEED TO GET IT CHECKED! As far as the cheaper models of detectors do not buy them. They are designed to be throw-away models, they worked fine for a while until they have too much CO pass over their sensors and they start to give erroneous readings. The digital models have sensors in them much like the ones that we use on the fire-ground they are very sensitive and very reliable. Kidde products are widely used in the fire service with a great deal of success, I put my life and my firefighters in their hands all the time and they haven't let me down yet.

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Will a carbon monoxide detector..detect gas?


as in natural gas? no, it's intended to detect carbon monoxide from a poorly vented gas burning appliance.

call the gas co if you think you have a leak, they'll come out and test.

does a carbon monoxide detector detect propane?


CO detectors will detect CO produced by LP or any other source, but most detectors won't detect the unburned Natural Gas or Propane unless labelled that they do.

This one is labelled for CO and gas/propane:

If you already have adequate CO detection you could buy just a gas detector and save a few bucks:

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Selasa, 25 Maret 2014

Carbon monoxide detectors in apartments?


I have tried looking, but can't find the answer online. Is it illegal for my apartment complex not to have a carbon monoxide detector in my unit if I have a gas stove? I live in Virginia. Also does anybody know how long an apartment has to fix items that are wrong with the place from when I first moved in? I've lived here for 4 months and we still have a terrible bug problem. And our front door leaks and floods our kitchen any time it rains. Thanks for any advice.

here in california, it is supposedly required by new law that all rentals (including apartments) have the carbon detectors....BUT i am still waiting for my landlord to put one in =D.

contact your state's housing agency (not sure of the name but i'm pretty sure all states in the USA must have this agency). find out what your rights are as a renter. also, if you have mentioned verbally to your landlord about the issues and nothing has been fixed yet. i would submit it again in writing though (as proof). and contact your agency as well.

good luck!

Do I need a carbon dioxide(yes "di"oxide) detector in my home per California regulations?

Q. Yes I mean "Di"oxide. I have a monoxide detector in my home already but the inspector came through for a final inspection and said we needed to install a dioxide as well, this seems quite pointless to me. Does anyone know anymore information about this?

I think you may be confused. Your state law requires the carbon monoxide detector. Carbon dioxide detectors are usually handheld devices used in industries such as HVAC to test the quality of air coming out of air conditioners. Appliance repair techs also use them for detecting gas leaks.

Read the following. What he may have meant is that you need to replace yours with an approved one.

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Do I need a carbon monoxide detector?


All of my utilities are electric. Do I still need to have a carbon monoxide detector in my home?

Carbon monoxide (CO) is produced by the incomplete burning of various fuels, including coal, wood, charcoal, oil, kerosene, propane, and natural gas. Internal combustion engine such as portable generator and cars also produce CO.
If you donât have an attached garage the answer would be noâ¦.. with this caveat â¦.If you run a generator at times close to the house during power outages â¦..I would recommend it

Are Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Detectors the same thing?


there has been a lot of deaths in my city cause people got carbon monoxide poisoning so all over the news they're like "go out and buy a carbon monoxide detector!" so I went to my Wal Mart and I didn't find any. I found a bunch of smoke detectors but I already have 1 installed in my home, and then it dawned on me...maybe it's the same thing! Well is it?
if they're not the same thing, where can I buy one?
I checked Wal Mart, Target, Home Depot and some hardware shops

No Carbon monoxide detectors are not usually combined with smoke detectors also the placement of carbon monoxide detectors are crucial you. Usually you can find the kind that plugs into a outlet and you want it near a supply vent.

You can also usually go to the local fire dept and inquire about carbon monoxide detectors. Around here they usually give them out free.

We offer free carbon monoxide detectors with every furnace install. Also it is something I suggest for every furnace PM I do the cost is about $25.00 to $40.00 depending on the one the customer wants.

Check Johnstone or another HVAC supply house if you cant find one at Wal Mart, Home Depot, or Lowes.

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what should i do about the carbon monoxide smell from my gas stove?

Bird N

it's pretty slight and i only smell it when i'm standing in front of the stove. the gas company came out and they guy had his detector or whatever. He said that it might be carbon monoxide and it might be incomplete combustion from one of the pilot lights and that they may need adjustment and that it wasn't a natural gas leak. I only smell it when I stand in front of the gas stove. He also recommended I open a door or window when I have the stove or oven on. He also pointed out the debris flakes under the stove cover as fuel debris or whatever. I put a carbon monoxide detector in the kitchen for about an hour and it didn't go off. What should I do? Call an appliance repair company? will it be expensive? Thanks!

you can,t smell carbon monoxide,
check the pilot lights, a slight smell of gas is normal on a gas stove

Carbon Monoxide!?!?!?


I need a list of all the places carbon monoxide can leak from in the home, and why it leaks. I overreact I guess but I just want to be safe so I'm worried please help!!!
And yes I have carbon monoxide detectors.

Carbon monoxide forms when an carbon based fuel (all gas, petrol, fuel, ethanol) doesn't burn with enough oxygen to form carbon dioxide. This happens everytime you use a gas device, because the oxygen is just not concentrated enough in the local area to allow for the fuel to burn completely and leave no carbon monoxide. This is natural and not to worry about.

I imagine you're most likely to be at risk from faulty combustion devices like furnaces, gas fireplaces and heaters and spirit burners. Anything that burns gas and isn't in a well ventilated area (that's why outdoor stoves are fine, the wind just blows the carbon monoxide away) should be checked.
I stress that these products would have had to meet a certain level of quality before being sold to you - and that regular maintanence would avoid any leaks/ build up. If in doubt, consult your local firebrigade - i'm serious, they'd be glad to help, it's their job.

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My carbon monoxide alarm just went off?


It was doing the weird beepy thing that on the back it says means theres a dangerous level of Carbon monoxide but my dad had just moved it to a spot right behind the christmas tree and said it was not working.. it seemed to be working fine to me, but i reset it and moved it to the dining room, and it hasnt gone off...should i be worried?
well now im kinda worried cuz my dad just rolled over back asleep and said to just take the batteries out or move it and im 5 months pregnant in my room with the window wide open .. and also my cat is acting weird? like wont leave my side and that usually never happens...iduno maybe im paranoid..

Sorry to say it but, your father is putting the family in jeopardy when he moved the alarm. It's there for a reason, carbon monoxide poisoning. Every year at this time when people start heating they have problems they have to address in heating and venting.
Your house furnace filter may need to be changed, the plenium may need more air (filter again) and need an extra exhaust in the form of another vent pipe. You could achieve this be cracking a window in the house for temporarily use until the filter can be changed. If all of you are getting over sleepy in the evening, waking up with headaches, groggy then there a dangerous situation being ignore and should be looked into, you could possibly all die of carbon monoxide fumes created by a deficient furnace.

Why does my carbon monoxide alarm keep going off?


Everytime my mother cooks using the stove, the carbon monoxide detector goes off. It seems like every sunday when she cooks for a long period of time faithfully the detector goes off like an hour after the stove has been shut off. I take it down remove the battery and open the windows. about 20 minutes later i put it back alarm goes off. the battery is new so that shouldnt be an issue. The only thing i am fearing is a possible gas leak. What should i do?

It could be a couple of things.
How old is the detector? They have a sensor that only lasts so long and they should be replaced every 5 years.
If your mother is cooking with gas is there an exhaust fan that removes the air to the outside of the house? If not it could be caused by the recirculation of the combustion air back into the flames.
A good flame should also be a light blue, if it is a lazy yellow flame then there isn't enough primary air (air that is mixed with the gas before combustion) if that is the case then you should ask someone who knows how to adjust it and they should also check for soot which may be evidence of flame impingement.
Gas, like electricity, it is safe if done properly but can be very dangerous if done wrong and Carbon monoxide is very dangerous and any warnings should not be ignored.

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Carbon monoxide detector says 13... is this safe?


I read somewhere that 1-70 you could expieriance fatigue, vomiting, dizzyness, ect. but it's not deadly. is this true? how do you get the carbon monoxide levels to go down? any help on this would be great, thanks!


Standard for Action Levels
The following action levels have been defined as minimums for BPI certified Carbon Monoxide Analysts. Analysts may work for a government agency or business entity that has adopted more stringent standards than the ones defined in this document. As such, CO Analysts may enforce those higher standards. Under no circumstances shall a BPI certified CO Analyst recognize less stringent standards or ignore conditions in excess of the defined action levels. The action levels are considered net indoor ambient readings - i.e. - indoor ambient minus outdoor ambient readings.

0 to 9 parts per million (ppm)
Normal - No Action: Typical from: outdoor sources, fumes from attached garages, heavy smoking, fireplace spillage and operation of unvented combustion appliances. With ambient conditions in this range, analysts may continue testing sequences.

10 to 35 parts per million (ppm)
Marginal: This level could become problematic in some situations. Actions: Occupants should be advised of a potential health hazard to small children, elderly people and persons suffering from respiratory or heart problems. If the home has an attached garage, document CO levels in garage. Accept this level as normal for unvented appliances but not for vented appliances. If unvented appliances are in operation, recommend additional ventilation in the areas of operation. With ambient conditions in this range, analysts may continue testing to locate the CO source.

36 to 99 parts per million (ppm)
Excessive: Medical Alert. Conditions must be mitigated. Actions: Ask occupants to step outside and query about health symptoms. Advise occupants to seek medical attention. If occupants exhibit any symptoms of CO poisoning, have someone drive them to a medical facility. Enter the building, open doors and windows to ventilate the structure. Turn off all combustion appliances until the CO level has been reduced to safe levels. If forced air equipment is available, continuos operation of the air handler is recommended at this time. If the home has an attached garage, document CO levels in garage. Test combustion appliances one at a time to determine the source of CO production. If an appliance is determined to be the source of CO production, it should be shut off and not used until a qualified technician with proper test equipment can service it.

100 - 200 parts per million (ppm)
Dangerous: Medical Alert. Emergency conditions exist. Actions: Evacuate the building immediately and check occupants for health symptoms. Advise all occupants to seek medical attention. Occupants should have someone else drive them to a medical facility. If occupants exhibit symptoms of CO poisoning, emergency service personnel must be called. Evacuation is important, but Analysts must not subject themselves to excessive conditions. Maximum exposure time is 15 minutes. Open all doors and windows that can be done quickly. If the home has an attached garage, document CO levels in garage. Disable combustion appliance operation. Continually monitor indoor ambient levels while moving through the building. Once the atmosphere within the structure has returned to safe levels and the appliances have been turned back on, locate the source of CO production for corrective measures.

Greater than 200 parts per million (ppm)
Dangerous: Medical Alert. Emergency conditions exist. Actions: Evacuate the building immediately and check occupants for health symptoms. Advise all occupants to seek medical attention. Occupants should have someone else drive them to medical facility. If occupants exhibit symptoms of CO poisoning, emergency service personnel must be called. Evacuation is important, but analysts must not subject themselves to these conditions. Do not stay inside or re-enter the building until conditions have dropped below 100 ppm. Open all doors and windows that can be done quickly without entering the structure. Call the local utility to shut off gas supply (if applicable and necessary). If the home has an attached garage, document CO levels in garage if possible to do so without being subjected to high levels of CO. Once the atmosphere within the structure has returned to safe levels, restore fuel supply to appliances. Operate and test the appliances one at a time to determine the source of CO production.

Carbon Monoxide detector went off?


My CO detector went off, but the voice said 0 PPM. It's only a month old. On the ceiling in the finished basement. It's not near any lights. It's in a separate room as the furnace.
Should I be concerned?

Add info: I bought it because a very old one I had in that spot went off. I called 911, the firemen closed the windows (I opened them when it went off) turned up the thermostats; said they couldn't find any readings and told me to buy a new one.

The CO detector is up again and hasn't gone off again. Should I call 911?
Thank you for your responses STEVEN F and adam/penny. I will look for someone to come out and test. It was weird it went off the one time saying go to fresh air 0 PPM, but for no reason. And 0 PPM is nothing, so that's why I came here to ask.
When the firemen came that day they went right up to the running furnace and got nothing. I don't know where else the problem could come from.

Anyway, thank you again. You are both very helpful.

most of us don't realize it but those detectors come in different co2 detection modes..
i had a similar problem with a new one i bought that went off frequently and after having service people come out to the house they were unable to detect anything wrong. however they said the detector i had purchased was set too low and that's why it went off.
that one cost me over $100.00 for the guys to come out and check.

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Senin, 24 Maret 2014

Its night time where I am and there is this beeping noise and I can't sleep.?


Me and my family have no idea what is causing the noise,it is really and squeaky and we can't sleep. Its coming from the hallway and there are 4 devices in the hall way. Once we just took out,it was a carbon monoxide detector model KN-COB-B. But that doesn't seem the cause. We have something that looks like a speaker. Another circle thing attached to the ceiling. Another rectangular device attached to the wall. I have exactly no idea what they are and what they do. Please help,its already 10:40 pm at the moment.

it's the smoke detector they do that when they need to be replaced

been there done that

If there was a lot of smoke and the smoke detector didn't go off, wouldn't you say it's not working?


I just moved and recently I've had 2 things burn in the kitchen. One was food burned on the stove from over cooking. The second time today, my daughter heated peanut butter in a plastic container for 4 minutes, it burned. Both times the kitchen and living room all filled up with smoke. The place still has heavy burnt smell, but (none of the smoke detectors went off ). I did the press button test to check battery. They beeped loudly. I'm pretty certain they don't detect carbon monoxide. I'm wondering if I should call maintenance. The kind the apartment has say (10 year alarm) on the front.
Thank you all for taking the time to answer. I called the office, someone came and changed the smoke detector. He said they have had problems in the past, with the kind I had. He put a different one.

Definitely call maintenance!

If you have smoke in your house and the smoke alarm doesn't go off then you have a problem. If you press the button to check a smoke detector all you are doing is seeing if the battery is dead. You are not checking the sensor that detects the smoke.

With kids in the house i would have a smoke alarm in almost every room. As some of the people responded it might be that the smoke isn't getting to the alarm. Take it outside and burn something under it to see if it goes off. If you cant take it outside do it inside but be careful.

It sounds like you live in an apartment, but you can buy your own smoke detectors. Smoke detectors are pretty cheap, and how would you feel if you got a fire because you didn't want to spend $20 or $30 to buy a couple more to put in a few more rooms.

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My carbon monoxide detector went off?

Kristen Le

About 3 hours ago while my mom was cooking our Carbon Monoxide Detector began to beep. We hurriedly opened the doors and got out of our apartment and went into the hallway and called 911. They came within in 2 minutes, literally. As my mom and I waited outside, they opened every window in our house and unplugged our oven and all of our gas usage. They asked us for our syptoms and me and my mom were getting tired, but that quickly went away and she was dizzy but it's gone now because she just needed to eat. The fire department told us our carbon monoxide levels went down already, but since I suffer from anxiety attacks we didn't go in. It's been three hours and now we're back in the apartment.

Are we safe? I'm still having shortness of breath because of my anxiety. Are we safe?
It's 9pm in NYC.

Yes, you should be fine. If you begin to feel tired while you're inside your home, than get out and call someone.

Toxic tea...Is it possible I bought a bad batch?

Mac S

So I'm brewing/steeping some Celestial Seasonings* tea the old fashioned way, on the stove. Plenty of steam and all that (smelled great) when my carbon monoxide/smoke detector goes crazy! Telling me, yeah, telling me (I bought a talking detector recently) to get out of the house! "leave the house immediately!" BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!! The thing is...the detector is more than 20 feet away from the kitchen in a completely different area of the house. And, as soon as the steam cleared, all was well. I swear I thought I was going batty! I've brewed tea 1000s of times and never been warned to leave the house! Bad batch???

BQ: Do I have a shot at winning a lawsuit for "mental anguish" from either the tea company or the detector company???

Plz and Thx for any thoughts and insights. Whew!
Lolo: Hm. That just hurt..."get a girl"...Ohhh if you only knew the pain since my last lovely chose a different path *ahem*...

three words man-- GET A GIRL

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Minggu, 23 Maret 2014

carbon monoxide?


it only beeped once..about 10 minutes ago..should i be worried..i went to look at it and it only has one light and the light is red but it looks like it is flickering..the light is always red by the way..we have gas heat but our heat has been off for 2 months..our ac is on..where does carbon monoxide come from??

Carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless compound produced by incomplete combustion and lethal at high levels ...

The alarm points on carbon monoxide detectors are not a simple alarm level as in smoke detectors but are a concentration-time function. At lower concentrations (eg 100 parts per million) the detector will not sound an alarm for many tens of minutes. At 400 parts per million (PPM), the alarm will sound within a few minutes. This concentration-time function is intended to mimic the uptake of carbon monoxide in the body while also preventing false alarms due to relatively common sources of carbon monoxide such as cigarette smoke.

That being said ... you need to evacuate your residence ....

CO poisoning symptoms include confusion, headaches, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, etc ....

Sources may be from your water heater, chimney, etc

You need to have your home evaluated by a professional ... or at the very least have the sensor checked ...

CO poisoning symptoms include confusion, headaches, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, etc ....

Carbon Monoxide Detectors?


Should they be mounted high on a wall or low to the floor to properly detect Carbon Monoxide?
The detector I have is in no way going to be slept through, believe me. Should I mount it at head level with the bed? I guess really what I'm also trying to find out is if Carbon Monoxide is heavier or lighter than air.

It is recommend you place CO alarms near the sleeping areas, and on each level of the home. A good rule of thumb for the number and placement of CO alarms for your particular home is to place CO alarms near smoke and fire alarms that have been installed to meet current building code requirements in your area. Do not place CO alarms in the furnace room, kitchen or garage as these locations could lead to nuisance alarms.

Generally, one detector can be adequate for 1,200 to 1,500 square feet of living space. The most important determination for the number of CO alarms needed is whether an alarm can be heard in all sleeping areas. If you install only one CO alarm in your home, install the detector near bedrooms, not in the basement or furnace room.

For ease of viewing the visual indicators, (digital displays or alarm lights), it is recommended to place the CO alarm at eye level or above. Do not place the CO alarm in "dead air" spaces (no closer than 6" from the ceiling or floor) or turbulent air spaces such as by an open window, door or by a ceiling fan.

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carbon monoxide detector?

Arii L

my carbon monoxide detector is saying error on the "dial" what does this mean
its a kidde Nighthawk monoxide detecter. please help i dont know what to do,

Taking out the battery will do that ,IF it's battery powered.
IF it's line voltage powered, you may have to unplug it,
it may have a battery back-up.
You will have to unplug the battery as well to reset it.
Check it out

I have a nighthawk carbon monoxide detector, I have no idea what those digital numbers are for?


I was cooking in the kitchen today and I notice the number got up to 9 but the alarm did not go off. I just want to know about these numbers, I have no idea how far the numbers go. I thank you for your help.

If you can't find the manual, try looking up your model on the internet. The numbers *may* indicate parts per million of CO detected. It takes 1000ppm to cause unconsciousness in an hour, so 9ppm isn't good, but it is considered "normal" background CO.

Take a look at for additional information.

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furnace thermostat set off carbon monoxide detector?


Can a defective wall furnace thermostat set off a carbon monoxide detector? The batteries went dead in the thermostat, we replaced them immediately. Scared us to death!!!

A wall thermostat is an electrical switch ( or a set of switches) so no a faulty t-stat will not trip your CO detector. DO NOT HORSE AROUND, if the CO detector is going off you need to assume the worse and call the fire dept, or a furnace contractor and get the furnace and hot water heater checked for a CO leak. CO can kill you , and is tasteless, oderless and invisible.

Carbon Monoxide Detectors?

Daniel D

I just moved into a new home that is all electirc. In my previous home I had natural gas, so I had a carbon mononoxide dectector. I just unpacked my old detector and plugged it in for the heck of it. It had a high reading of carbon monoxide. Is that possible or is it defective. Can I have carbon monoxide without having natural gas.

If there is no gas or fireplace in your home, I would look into the box that you moved it in. There are many chemicals that the fumes will mess with the sensor.
Take outside if possible and turn on, let set for a half hour to fresh air the sensor.
Also with the cold weather many people use fireplaces, if the humidity was high and no wind, many times the smoke or smoke by products i.e. CO will stay low to the ground and enter your home.

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I think I have a Carbon Monoxide leak in my apt!?


I think I have a Carbon Monoxide leak in my apt and was told to hold match under the flue to check, if the match went out then there was a leak! Has anyone ever heard of doing this and if so does it work?!?!?!

Using a match is what techs do to check the vent on a natural draft appliance. Like everyone else said you should invest in a CO detector first. Walmart sells them now for less than $ 20.
Next call your gas co. to come and check your place, no charges from gas companies for safety checks. They will have a detector to check for problems which could be present only when a unit is on.

Can my central air heating be giving off carbon monoxide?


My central air is pretty old i always use the c/a on hot days ive never turned it on hot for cold says well its freezing and ive turned it on it smells weird in the vents but my landlord said. That it hasnt been used in yrs so thats the smell its not as strong as now the appliance were u put the vent is old but i have a brand new boiler and the flame in the central air appliance thats in the inside is a light blue they told me i should.worry if it was yellow is this true please help i dont want me or my son to get carbon monoxide poisoning

A furnace will often smell strange when it's first turned on after being off for some time. You're probably OK but you can buy inexpensive plug-in carbon monoxide detectors that will alert you if dangerous levels of CO are present.

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Where should I put the Carbon Monoxide detector?


I recently purchased only one carbon monoxide detector, and I live in a three story house. The furnace is in the basement, if that effects anything :) Please help me decide where to put it in order to be safe!

Where Should I Place a Carbon Monoxide Detector?

Because carbon monoxide is slightly lighter than air and also because it may be found with warm, rising air, detectors should be placed on a wall about 5 feet above the floor. The detector may be placed on the ceiling. Do not place the detector right next to or over a fireplace or flame-producing appliance. Keep the detector out of the way of pets and children. Each floor needs a separate detector. If you are getting a single carbon monoxide detector, place it near the sleeping area and make certain the alarm is loud enough to wake you up.

Carbon monoxide?


Is it heavy or light should dector be mounted high in a space or low.... Thanks

Carobon Monoxide detectors should be mounted on the ceiling. I had ones that plugged into the outlet near the floor, and they worked just fine(probably saved the lives of me and my children). But they should be on or near the ceiling if possible.

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