carbon monoxide detector reading 50 image
This morning, my wife and I woke up with tremendous headaches, and there was an awful smell. We live upstairs, so the smell was the worst up there. Come to find out, my older brother (lives with us) left the oven on with a pizza in it... For FOUR HOURS. He got home drunk, put it in, and fell asleep.
Most concerning is the fact that our 7 mo. old has been super cranky today. My wife tells me that it has been quite the pain trying to get our baby to calm down. We have passed it off as teething or ear aches. Which is possible. But I imagine if we have crazy bad headaches, it has to be worse for her. She screams when given toys, teething toys, held (90% of the time, if she is held, she won't cry), and has been hard to put down for a nap.
My question is - Can there be health risks to scorching a pizza in an electric oven for four hours? Carbon monoxide? Dioxide?
Well. let's take worst case scenario. If you completely burn a 1lb pizza made of pure starch in an oven and converted ALL the carbon in that pizza to carbon monoxide (which is worse for you than CO2) you would have this much CO produced
1lb x (453.54g / lb) x (1starch unit / 162g) x (6 CO / 1starch unit) = 16 moles of CO molecules.
according to this MSDS for CO
the LC-50 for a rat via inhalation (ie.. the concentration and time to kill 50% of a test population of rats) = 1800ppm for 4 hours.
Now rats aren't people, but usually that toxicology data is within an order of magnitude of people. So lets just say.. 1000ppm for 4 hours is going to give a major headache!
for every 1000 ft² of living space.. assuming you have 8ft ceilings.. and assuming the temp is about 25°C, so that density of air = 1.2 g / dm³.. you have this much air at any point in time.
(1000 ft² x 8ft) x (12 in / ft)³ x (2.54cm / 1in)³ x (1 dm / 10cm)³ x (1.2g / dm³) x (1 mole / 29g) = 9.4 moles of air
so you can easily see the CO could displace all the air giving you >>1000ppm of CO for 4 hours.
now.. That's probably not what happened. You still still have some pizza charcoal left. Part of that pizza was water. Water is just vaporized.. The sauce contains water, the cheese contains moisture, whatever else. You have a vent over your stove. to allow some of the gases to escape. You have a HVAC system moving air around your house. Houses aren't airtight. etc. And usually only a small fraction of combustion goes to CO instead of CO2.
And of course, if you have a gas oven, that could produce CO.. And I'd guess you've run your oven for 4 hours before without getting sick (albeit without vaporizng your food right?)
So instead of 100% CO in your atmosphere, you have had 1000ppm.. who knows? It's certainly possible, you were CO poisoned by this fiasco. (btw.. a carbon monoxide detector would have detected this!).
Regardless. This is your health on the line. If you still have headaches after reading my answer here and if your child is still uncomfortable, get fresh air and seek medical attention immediately.
Well. let's take worst case scenario. If you completely burn a 1lb pizza made of pure starch in an oven and converted ALL the carbon in that pizza to carbon monoxide (which is worse for you than CO2) you would have this much CO produced
1lb x (453.54g / lb) x (1starch unit / 162g) x (6 CO / 1starch unit) = 16 moles of CO molecules.
according to this MSDS for CO
the LC-50 for a rat via inhalation (ie.. the concentration and time to kill 50% of a test population of rats) = 1800ppm for 4 hours.
Now rats aren't people, but usually that toxicology data is within an order of magnitude of people. So lets just say.. 1000ppm for 4 hours is going to give a major headache!
for every 1000 ft² of living space.. assuming you have 8ft ceilings.. and assuming the temp is about 25°C, so that density of air = 1.2 g / dm³.. you have this much air at any point in time.
(1000 ft² x 8ft) x (12 in / ft)³ x (2.54cm / 1in)³ x (1 dm / 10cm)³ x (1.2g / dm³) x (1 mole / 29g) = 9.4 moles of air
so you can easily see the CO could displace all the air giving you >>1000ppm of CO for 4 hours.
now.. That's probably not what happened. You still still have some pizza charcoal left. Part of that pizza was water. Water is just vaporized.. The sauce contains water, the cheese contains moisture, whatever else. You have a vent over your stove. to allow some of the gases to escape. You have a HVAC system moving air around your house. Houses aren't airtight. etc. And usually only a small fraction of combustion goes to CO instead of CO2.
And of course, if you have a gas oven, that could produce CO.. And I'd guess you've run your oven for 4 hours before without getting sick (albeit without vaporizng your food right?)
So instead of 100% CO in your atmosphere, you have had 1000ppm.. who knows? It's certainly possible, you were CO poisoned by this fiasco. (btw.. a carbon monoxide detector would have detected this!).
Regardless. This is your health on the line. If you still have headaches after reading my answer here and if your child is still uncomfortable, get fresh air and seek medical attention immediately.
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