Sabtu, 03 Agustus 2013

Is it bad that my carbon monoxide detector is up high?

carbon monoxide detectors on ceiling on Install a Smoke / Carbon Monoxide Detector
carbon monoxide detectors on ceiling image


My friend just pointed out to me that if my carbon monoxide detector ever went off, I would probably be dead by that point because it is right beneath the ceiling. He said it should be near the floor because then it will detect the carbon monoxide right away. I never really thought about it cause it was in that spot when I moved into my apartment so I figured it was normal to be there. What do you guys think?

hey i looked it up on line and the majority of responses say to place them close to the ceiling because the carbon monoxide will rise with warm air and if it is to low to the floor it will not be detected but there are also wall adapter ones that are lower to the ground. so i think we are ok.

where is the best place to install a carbon monoxide detector?

tony b

I've seen conflicting information regarding the best place to put a carbon monoxide detector. Which is correct, near the floor or near the ceiling.?

well usually you want them fifteen feet from any fuel burning heating or cooking appliances because during start up a small amount is emitted. Bathrooms usually hold to much humidity so usually not there. Installation locations vary by manufacturer. since it is roughly the same weight as air If you have central air keep in mind during heating it may be contained in rising warm air. It is a good idea to have them within ten feet of every bedroom in your home and on each floor including your basement. Follow whatever the brand you buys instructions are because they are all tested specific in ways.

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what will carbon monoxide detector sound like if there is CO in home?

carbon monoxide detectors how many on carbon_monoxide_alarm01
carbon monoxide detectors how many image


I just plugged in a first alert carbon monoxide detector down in basement. The horn will sound once or twice every 20 minutes or so and the red light will flash every so often also. Is this a malfunction or is there CO in my home?

A very load chirping noise.

Is it normal for a carbon monoxide detector to read 0 ppm?


Sorry for posting a second time, but the first question did not get any good answers. Is it normal for a carbon monoxide detector to read 0 PPM? I have one that shows the highest level over the past 24 hours, and whenever I check it always reads 0 PPM. Is this normal? I would think there might be one or two PPM in the house, considering the lowest level it would bother sensitive people is 30 PPM.

Actually in the 0 to 29 ppm level CO detectors are not allowed to display the actual CO level, and are required to display zero in that range according to CO alarm standards developed by Underwriters Laboratories (UL2034) in collaboration with the US Consumer Product Safety Commission. (The display and alarm specifications of UL2034 are matched in a Canadian standard, CSA 6.19-01)

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What, exactly, is happening to our blue planet?

carbon monoxide alarm 7 year on ADT Monitored Security Alarm Systems and Wireless Home Security Alarms
carbon monoxide alarm 7 year image


a short account of environmental happenings that are endangering the blue and some possible solutions

these are some Mega threats that endanger the planet

Exstinction,over population,deforrestation,
excess carbon emissions,desertification(land...
bad farming practises(landloss),
global warming,rising seas(landloss).


we harvest fish faster than they can reproduce,
And habitat destruction,climatic change,
expanding populations,overexploitation,
polution are responsible for mayor looses
of both flora and fauna,many for ever.
we are now witness to the first mass extinction
since the day of the dinosaurs.
species are being lost every hour.

the world population has doubled in the last 50 years
the fastest increase ever,since we became homosapian

each year farmers have to grow food
for an extra 70 million people,
many of whom are taking the forrests place.

if it continues ,is that we could end up looking like Mars.Without an atmosphere ,without water,without air,
with out life

the rain forrest and all other forests are getting smaller every day.
especially in south America and Mexico.
valuable species of plants become lost
and countles animals are killed into extinction.

the jungle of Lacadona one of
the richest environmental areas of Mexico
which produces 70 %of the countries water,
is home to thousands of rare species of flora and fauna
is loosing hundred of hectares daily
(2 millions hectares per anum)
despite nationwide campains on all tv and radio stations.
nothing can stop the destruction,
the same thing is happening in the Amazon regions ,
and probably in Asia as well,
and it is also the case in Borneo

the forrests make most of the water that we can drink
or use for agriculture(sweet water)
some is condensed from the sea but that reaches only the coastel aereas.
the bulk ,comes from the forests ,
and the rivers come from the rainfall
which comes from the trees.
the trees with precipitation,
feed the rivers when it is not raining
and keep them running all year round.

If we kill all the trees,we kill the rivers .
we kill the rain. we kill us.
the trees also absorb the heat in the day
and heat up the place in the night ,
so they keep the temperature confortable to live in.
trees evaporate a mist which ,which protects us from the strong rays of the sun

in the dessert the nights are freezing cold
and during the days you burn up.

the world is producing more carbon monoxide
than the system can accomodate
the trees absorb carbon emisions ,
which is poison to us and they leave the oxygen
which we need to breathe.
in the autemn the colder seas absorb carbon emisions
that is produced by rotting flora .
and in the spring newly growing biomass
utilises the carbon that is released by the warmer waters


because of bad agricultural practises
and the resulting land loss
farmers are now cultivating highly erodable lands
and deforresting vast areas
the sahara is growing by 7 kilometres every day.

two major desserts in northern china
are growing together making one giant dessert,
causing dust storms making thousands of people refugese.
the planet is drying out at an alarming rate.

in the days of the dinasaurs this planet was under an aquiferus manta ,a mist that covered the entire earth
and there were no desserts.
Count how many there are today,and all of them are as a result of mans actions.
the sahara used to be forrests
arabia ,irak ,iran used to be fertile lands in biblical times
Ghengas Kahn burned all the forrests
and filled the wellS with water and
so turning vast lands into dessert.

Bad agricultural practises is turning
vast teritories into desserts ,because of
over grazing ,the exessive pumping of carbon aquifiers.
the surface aquifiers already having been depleted.
And the use of fertilisers and heavy machinery that compacts the ground which raises the salt in the soil.
Modern agriculture today is doing the same as ghengas kahn but in much bigger territories.
because agricultural lands are lost, farmers are forced to cultivate highly erodable lands,
to keep up with the growing demand for food.

soil erosion is almost always as a result of human intervention.the trees are cut down.
these trees existed to provide a cover
against the rays of the sun.
which now dries out the soil ,
the wind can than easily blow away the dust that is formed this is wind erosian

because the trees are no longer there,
whose roots bound the soil together ,
and because their canapies of foilidge
no longer exist, the rain now has easy acces to the unprotected ,now dry surface
and the rain waters wash away the top soils.
this is water erosian

farmers plow large plots of land to plant,
as happened in the 20s in the USA,
they plowed in straight lines.
the winds came blew along the straight lines
and picking up speed removed millions of tons of top soil(wind erosian)

turning vast teritories into dessert
deprived of arable soil
today the farmers plow in circles and curves
to prevent this building up of speed by the wind.

but still vast sections of land are exposed to the sun which kills the micro biotic life that builds the black and rich top soil
and tons of water is evaporated by the sun.
A far better way is a very old concept
now newly applied called -no till farming.
after the inicial shaping of the land
the tractor is no longer used .or another type of plow
head is used which does not break and turn the soil over,but merely makes a deep cut
into which the new plants are planted or sown.
or the seeds are just stuck in an unbroken surface
,which is covered------- by mulch.

mulch is a layer of organic material
which prevents the soil from drying out
by blocking the sun and maintaining its moisture
because the soil is now soft and moist
the earthworms devellop.
there is no better manure on this earth
than that from earth worms,
who also airate the soil their bodely movements
sucking in the air .
mulch also is a cover which protect the soil from the impact of heavy rains .
This brings the salt to the surface
and so makes the soil poorer.
mulch also is the food and conditions for a vast variety of micro biotic life that produces top soil

In the mountains Mexico,
the increasing populations of indigenous peoples
are cutting down trees to plant corn ,
this land is productive for a few years
before it becomes poor and useless for farming.
the roots of the trees that have been cut down rot and tunnels are created with their disaperance.
with heavy rains these tunnels fill up with water
the soil lifts and moves down wards,
mudslides are caused.
large parts of the mountains are exposed to the rock.
the mud destroys the lands beneath and the exposed areas NEVER recover leaving the area without vegetation forever

to recover eroded soil is a lenthy process ,which involves planting, bushes ,grasses and trees to hold the soil and to create bariers to stop further movements on the surface.
and trap any organic matter that ends up there.we can help by adding mulch(chopped organic matter) and plant leafy plants to be chopped down for this purpose.there are various plants that are exelent for this pupose,
like a bean called nescafee which is a monster
in normal circumstanses ,it covers an enormous aera ,grows very fast creates tons of leaves ,
when fully grown it dies leaving a thick cover of rotting organic material behind.

each year millions more people are consuming water
but this is but a fraction of what agriculture uses.
our consumption of water is ever increasing and our drinkable water supply is shrinking,because of polution,and the production of potable water is less all the time because of deforestation.

in Tasmania one can already exchange one litre of water for 2 litres of petrol.
it is predicted that the wars of the future will be for water.
the water we got in most populated places must be treated or purified before it is acceptable for human Portugal and soutern Spain ,as in many places, wine is cheaper than water.
Which would explain the many drunk people there.

we are living in a bubble economy and when the bubble bursts
food prices will sky rocket,and so will the price of water.

because of the green house effect and the desertification this planet is heating up.
Each degree rise in temperature signifies 10% crop loss

Global warming is in theory reversable,but it will mean global co operation between all countries,
and taking into account human nature and the world
politics ,it is unlikely that this will happen,
At least not untill we are all in the middle of planetary disastres and it becomes a battle
for the survival of humanity every where.

The northpole is melting ,and we will know it without ice in our life times.
this does not affect the sea level because it is ice that is already in the water.
Green land and the south pole ,which apperantly has a hole in the ozone the size of the USA,are another matter.
this is ice above the sea ,on the land, and melted water will return to the sea .
and so duely affect sea levels.
the sea has been rising for a long time.
in portugal remains of Roman villas have been discovered 3/4 of a mile in the sea,and in one town the locals say that the sea is eating their town .

in California and Florida ,arable lands have have been lost because of rising seas
so far only a few millions acres in total globaly ,but this will speed up with the increasing global warming.
And in Antartica arms of ice that even had names because the were so permanent have broken of into the sea.

Global efforts to cut down on carbon emisions,reforestation to capture carbon,sustainable farming practises and ecomomic systems of irrigation,education on family planning to counter overpopulation,water harvesting( to fill up subteranian water supplies),
environmentally friendly energy systems,efficient public trans port to discourage the use of the internal
conbustion engine,global distribution of food supplies.
encouraging people(to return to the land) to be autosufficient (with the internet business is not any more confined to the cities),
urban planning to include vegetation,stop building more high ways,agricultural devellopment programs for 3rd world countries.

if every one in the world, who could,would plant a garden ,this would take the stress of the farmers,add to the bio-mass and humidity ,and put a lot more food into circulation.

so what you can do is plant a tree,clean up rubbish,leave bins for people to put their rubbish in,leave notice boards explaining that you cleaned and ask people to co-operate,

and dont put your own organic rubbish together with the rest,seperate and classify your rubbish,
70 %of contamination is because of organic material and this is the easiest to take care of ,
you make a small compost heap in a shady place in the garden and all the organic waste of the house
can go here ,at times cover it with leaves or sand.
the rich compost which results you put back on your plants.
this does not smell or create bugs,the decomposition kill about every thing.

if you can have a couple of bantum chickens which eat 70%of garden pests and they do not rake the ground and kill the plants as ordinairy chickens do.

Fire alarm malfunction?


My kiddie alarm smoke/carbon monoxide detector had a low battery alarm. Upon replacing the battery and reattaching the wire, the alarm goes off continuously, setting off the same hallway alarm, and finally the 3 bedroom alarms. Pressing the button did nothing, finally I had to disconnect both kiddie alarms and remove the batteries to stop the "fire fire" alarms.
Is it possible both alarms are malfunctioning? Are any replacement alarms wired the same as the kiddie?


Maybe it a malfunction of the low battery warning. How old are the alarms?

â LOW BATTERY: When the batteries are low and
need replacing the red LED light will flash and the
unit will âchirpâ one time, followed by the warning
message âLOW BATTERYâ. This cycle will occur once
every minute for the first hour. After the first hour
the red LED light will continue to flash every minute
accompanied by the âchirpâ only sound. The voice
message âLOW BATTERYâ will sound once every
fifteen minutes during the âchirpâ only cycle.
This will continue for at least seven days.
⢠One âchirpâ every 30 seconds is an indication that
the alarm is malfunctioning. If this occurs call the
Consumer Hotline at 1-800-880-6788.
⢠After seven (7) years of cumulative power up, this unit
will âchirpâ twice every 30 seconds. This is an
"operational end of life" feature which will indicate
that it is time to replace the alarm.

Kidde Combination Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm

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Can you get carbon monoxide poisoning?

carbon monoxide detectors placement home on ... in more places in case of fire or carbon monoxide in your home
carbon monoxide detectors placement home image
Q. Can you get carbon monoxide poisoning if the gas is off and the leak won't be fixed til next week?

Well first off it depends on how severe the leak is. But to answer your question, yes. You can actually get Carbon Monoxide poisoning. Carbon Monoxide (abbreviated:"CO") is an odorless, colorless and tasteless gas that is very toxic if you inhale very high amounts of it. I've also heard that it is capable of damaging the nerve cells in your body and even in some occasions causing death. Just to be safe, I would recommend the placement of carbon monoxide detectors around places in your home like the kitchen or in or near the bedrooms.

Is the carbon monoxide detector supposed to be located up close to the ceiling or down close to the floor?


Proper placement of a carbon monoxide detector is important. If you are installing only one carbon monoxide detector, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recommends it be located near the sleeping area, where it can wake you if you are asleep. Additional detectors on every level and in every bedroom of a home provides extra protection.

Homeowners should remember not to install carbon monoxide detectors directly above or beside fuel-burning appliances, as appliances may emit a small amount of carbon monoxide upon start-up. A detector should not be placed within fifteen feet of heating or cooking appliances or in or near very humid areas such as bathrooms.

When considering where to place a carbon monoxide detector, keep in mind that although carbon monoxide is roughly the same weight as air (carbon monoxide's specific gravity is 0.9657, as stated by the EPA; the National Resource Council lists the specific gravity of air as one), it may be contained in warm air coming from combustion appliances such as home heating equipment. If this is the case, carbon monoxide will rise with the warmer air.

For this reason, I suggest mounting the detector on the ceiling. This also puts the detector out of the way of potential interference, such as pets or curious children.

If you need further assistance, please visit:

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Jumat, 02 Agustus 2013

What gases are dangerous for the brain in a car.?

carbon monoxide detectors price on ... LPG, nature gas detector alarm,Carbon Monoxide gas detector 2pcs/lot
carbon monoxide detectors price image


I know that my car doesn't have a carbon monoxide leak as I have checked with a high priced detector, yet I'm still feeling nauseous. My car vibrates somewhat harshly so motion sickness is highly considered (by me) but I just in case⦠Could someone help me out please. And its the engine that rumbles⦠something with the spark plugs, timing and old oil

It could be a motor mount, too.

Would I know if I had carbon monixide poisoning?


I know it's unlikely, but about a year ago I woke up feeling sick out of it, loopy, and had ongoing headaches, this has been less intense and more bearable than it had been in the past year, I came across carbon monoxide poisoning and questioned if that was a possibility. I smoked weed the night before so maybe anxiety of depression was triggered and I hadn't smoked since.

If you have a worry about carbon monoxide although it is quite rare unless you have a faulty gas heater nearby then get a detector. They are quite reasonably priced these days.

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What level of carbon monoxide is dangerous?

carbon monoxide detector 9 ppm on Nighthawk KN-COPP-3 / Premium Plus Carbon Monoxide Detector and Alarm ...
carbon monoxide detector 9 ppm image


My NIGHTHAWK carbon monoxide detector is reading 9...I did just cook a turkey,

That detector is reading in parts per million (ppm). 9 ppm is basically harmless. OSHA allows workers to be exposed to 50 ppm. 100ppm is considered fatal. They set those detectors very low to give you plenty of time to correct a problem.
What JB said about opening a window is a good idea.

What is an acceptable Carbon Monoxide level in a home?


I have a detector in my bedroom that reads 17. I assume that's 17 ppm. Is that an acceptable level?

I checked it a week ago and it was at 17. After resetting it, it still reads 17 so I think there is a consistent amount of carbon monoxide in the room.

Any help would be appreciated.

"Standard for Action Levels
The following action levels have been defined as minimums for BPI certified Carbon Monoxide Analysts. Analysts may work for a government agency or business entity that has adopted more stringent standards than the ones defined in this document. As such, CO Analysts may enforce those higher standards. Under no circumstances shall a BPI certified CO Analyst recognize less stringent standards or ignore conditions in excess of the defined action levels. The action levels are considered net indoor ambient readings - i.e. - indoor ambient minus outdoor ambient readings.

0 to 9 parts per million (ppm)
Normal - No Action: Typical from: outdoor sources, fumes from attached garages, heavy smoking, fireplace spillage and operation of unvented combustion appliances. With ambient conditions in this range, analysts may continue testing sequences.

10 to 35 parts per million (ppm)
Marginal: This level could become problematic in some situations. Actions: Occupants should be advised of a potential health hazard to small children, elderly people and persons suffering from respiratory or heart problems. If the home has an attached garage, document CO levels in garage. Accept this level as normal for unvented appliances but not for vented appliances. If unvented appliances are in operation, recommend additional ventilation in the areas of operation. With ambient conditions in this range, analysts may continue testing to locate the CO source.

36 to 99 parts per million (ppm)
Excessive: Medical Alert. Conditions must be mitigated. Actions: Ask occupants to step outside and query about health symptoms. Advise occupants to seek medical attention. If occupants exhibit any symptoms of CO poisoning, have someone drive them to a medical facility. Enter the building, open doors and windows to ventilate the structure. Turn off all combustion appliances until the CO level has been reduced to safe levels. If forced air equipment is available, continuos operation of the air handler is recommended at this time. If the home has an attached garage, document CO levels in garage. Test combustion appliances one at a time to determine the source of CO production. If an appliance is determined to be the source of CO production, it should be shut off and not used until a qualified technician with proper test equipment can service it.

100 - 200 parts per million (ppm)
Dangerous: Medical Alert. Emergency conditions exist. Actions: Evacuate the building immediately and check occupants for health symptoms. Advise all occupants to seek medical attention. Occupants should have someone else drive them to a medical facility. If occupants exhibit symptoms of CO poisoning, emergency service personnel must be called. Evacuation is important, but Analysts must not subject themselves to excessive conditions. Maximum exposure time is 15 minutes. Open all doors and windows that can be done quickly. If the home has an attached garage, document CO levels in garage. Disable combustion appliance operation. Continually monitor indoor ambient levels while moving through the building. Once the atmosphere within the structure has returned to safe levels and the appliances have been turned back on, locate the source of CO production for corrective measures.

Greater than 200 parts per million (ppm)
Dangerous: Medical Alert..."

Hope that helps

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Kamis, 01 Agustus 2013

How does one know if there is a high level of carbon monoxide in the home or garage?

carbon monoxide detectors for garages on Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, Facts, Tips, Security Devices and Safety ...
carbon monoxide detectors for garages image


Intermittently, there is an odd odour and someone suggested it may be carbon monoxide. I have 2 cars, one of which is quite old and has no catalytic converter.

You plug in a carbon monoxide detector

What is an acceptable Carbon Monoxide level in a home?


I have a detector in my bedroom that reads 17. I assume that's 17 ppm. Is that an acceptable level?

I checked it a week ago and it was at 17. After resetting it, it still reads 17 so I think there is a consistent amount of carbon monoxide in the room.

Any help would be appreciated.

"Standard for Action Levels
The following action levels have been defined as minimums for BPI certified Carbon Monoxide Analysts. Analysts may work for a government agency or business entity that has adopted more stringent standards than the ones defined in this document. As such, CO Analysts may enforce those higher standards. Under no circumstances shall a BPI certified CO Analyst recognize less stringent standards or ignore conditions in excess of the defined action levels. The action levels are considered net indoor ambient readings - i.e. - indoor ambient minus outdoor ambient readings.

0 to 9 parts per million (ppm)
Normal - No Action: Typical from: outdoor sources, fumes from attached garages, heavy smoking, fireplace spillage and operation of unvented combustion appliances. With ambient conditions in this range, analysts may continue testing sequences.

10 to 35 parts per million (ppm)
Marginal: This level could become problematic in some situations. Actions: Occupants should be advised of a potential health hazard to small children, elderly people and persons suffering from respiratory or heart problems. If the home has an attached garage, document CO levels in garage. Accept this level as normal for unvented appliances but not for vented appliances. If unvented appliances are in operation, recommend additional ventilation in the areas of operation. With ambient conditions in this range, analysts may continue testing to locate the CO source.

36 to 99 parts per million (ppm)
Excessive: Medical Alert. Conditions must be mitigated. Actions: Ask occupants to step outside and query about health symptoms. Advise occupants to seek medical attention. If occupants exhibit any symptoms of CO poisoning, have someone drive them to a medical facility. Enter the building, open doors and windows to ventilate the structure. Turn off all combustion appliances until the CO level has been reduced to safe levels. If forced air equipment is available, continuos operation of the air handler is recommended at this time. If the home has an attached garage, document CO levels in garage. Test combustion appliances one at a time to determine the source of CO production. If an appliance is determined to be the source of CO production, it should be shut off and not used until a qualified technician with proper test equipment can service it.

100 - 200 parts per million (ppm)
Dangerous: Medical Alert. Emergency conditions exist. Actions: Evacuate the building immediately and check occupants for health symptoms. Advise all occupants to seek medical attention. Occupants should have someone else drive them to a medical facility. If occupants exhibit symptoms of CO poisoning, emergency service personnel must be called. Evacuation is important, but Analysts must not subject themselves to excessive conditions. Maximum exposure time is 15 minutes. Open all doors and windows that can be done quickly. If the home has an attached garage, document CO levels in garage. Disable combustion appliance operation. Continually monitor indoor ambient levels while moving through the building. Once the atmosphere within the structure has returned to safe levels and the appliances have been turned back on, locate the source of CO production for corrective measures.

Greater than 200 parts per million (ppm)
Dangerous: Medical Alert..."

Hope that helps

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My carbon monoxide detector beeps every 30 seconds?

carbon monoxide detector 30 seconds on com : Buy High sensitivity LCD display Carbon Monoxide detector alarm ...
carbon monoxide detector 30 seconds image

some girl

It's so disturbing, i can't sleep with that thing beeping every 30 seconds, its quite loud too.
What's wrong with it? My mom just got a new battery for it and i don't think our house is poisoned or whatever the detector is for..
So what's wrong with it and what can we do? thanks all ._.
oh and this started recently (i think on monday Nov 1st)
it'll start beeping every 30 seconds at around 4pm
then around 6pm it starts again, i dont really keep track, but i believe it goes in a 2 hour cycle.
it usually lasts for around 30 mins

Could be that your mom didn't install the new battery correctly. (Mine was a real pain.)

Carbon Monoxide detector goes off every 30 seconds?


I hit the reset button. I went outside. It beeped after a few minutes outside. So does that mean the battery is just going out? It does not plug in the wall or have a display. I am paranoid enough now I do not know if I am feeling stuff out of stress or not. It is back on the wall and is not going off now. but it would beep once, then thirty seconds later it'd beep again both inside and out. Red light flashing. Help.

Replace the battery to see if it makes a difference. If it still beeps either something is wrong with it or it is indeed detecting CO.

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Do I need a carbon dioxide(yes "di"oxide) detector in my home per California regulations?

carbon monoxide detectors in california on Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Requirements
carbon monoxide detectors in california image
Q. Yes I mean "Di"oxide. I have a monoxide detector in my home already but the inspector came through for a final inspection and said we needed to install a dioxide as well, this seems quite pointless to me. Does anyone know anymore information about this?

I think you may be confused. Your state law requires the carbon monoxide detector. Carbon dioxide detectors are usually handheld devices used in industries such as HVAC to test the quality of air coming out of air conditioners. Appliance repair techs also use them for detecting gas leaks.

Read the following. What he may have meant is that you need to replace yours with an approved one.

What's the difference between vented and ventless gas logs?


I have a wood-burning fireplace and would like to have gas logs installed. Any advice on whether vented or ventless gas logs are better in terms of price, upkeep, look, etc?

There are reasons to pick both, it just depends on which are important to you.

Positive Features of Vented Gas Logs:

Extremely realistic flame pattern that looks like a wood fire.
Flame is much taller than vent-free logs
Flame dances and wraps around logs like real wood.
Does not require a Carbon Monoxide (CO) detector
Since the damper is open, most of the smell will go up the chimney

Negative Features of Vented Gas Logs:

Less heat than vent-free logs (probably won't heat your room)
Uses slightly more gas than vent-free logs

Positive Features of Vent-Free Gas Logs:

Much better heat output than vented gas logs
Less pollution
Slightly less gas consumption

Negative Features of Vent-Frees Gas Logs:

Since the byproduct of burning gas cleanly is water, vent-free logs will introduce excess moisture into your home which can result in mold or mildew.
You must be careful not to burn your vent-free logs for extended periods of time with windows closed, otherwise they will deplete the oxygen in your home.
If you burn your vent-free logs for more than an hour or so, you must crack open a window to allow air into your home to replace the oxygen burned by the vent-free gas logs. This will introduce cold air into the room and offset some of the heating benefits that vent-free logs claim to have.
Vent-free gas logs produce an odor that many people equate to the smell of burning kerosene. So if you have a sensitive nose, you may not be able to handle the smell and will be greatly dissatisfied with vent-free logs. On the other hand, we've heard some people who like the smell because it reminds them of their childhood days at Grandma's house.
Vent-free logs are not legal in California as well as some cities and municipalities. Please check your local regulations. Please note that it is not illegal to use Vent-free log sets if they are used with the vent open.
Vent-free gas logs are required to have an ODS (oxygen depletion system) as well as a Carbon Monoxide (CO) detector.
The flame pattern with vent-free logs pails in comparison to vented logs. Because the gas must burn cleanly, the flame height is very low and most of it is blue. Also, you will find that the flame does not dance around like a real wood fire and very little of the flame actually touches the logs. The reason for this is that when the flame touches the logs, it gets cooled off and does not burn cleanly and starts to produce soot and exhaust gases.

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Rabu, 31 Juli 2013


carbon monoxide detector 97 on ... Smoke And Carbon Monoxide Voice Alarm with Battery Backup 900-0114
carbon monoxide detector 97 image



here is the problem, we just moved in our three bedroom apt in dec 2012. The landlord didn't want to sign the lease so we settled for rental agreement. The rental agreement states that the house is rented to three people ( my mother and my older son-22 years old). However, I verbally mentioned that my brother will be coming from UK and will stay till he RECEIVES HIS GREEN CARD as he has no other place to stay or go (though this was not taken in writing- very big mistake on my part).
Two weeks after we moved in, I received a call from the landlord asking my brother to move out. Furthermore, she was complaining about the pounding sound (she lives downstairs) and also complained that we are not keeping our garbage outside (even though I am but late at night as I work till 10.00 pm)
third week she calls again and asks when will my brother move again even though I CLEARLY STATED THAT HE WILL STAY TILL HE GETS HIS GREENCARD and she said that she wants see my garbage to be satisfied that we are throwing regularly. (I complied with it)

Fourth week, she gives me a letter stating that she will go to court if my brother doesn't move out. THING IS MY BROTHER IS ONLY HERE waiting for his green card and he has no other place to go.
Now, considering she is really a a**hole, I want to move out, but it is dead winter and told her that I will move out as soon as the winter passes by and when I find a suitable accommodation

I don't want nonsense court issue ( i don't have time) I just want to know if in case she goes to court how will my side show up? Also, there are some fixtures that need to done such as fixing window that is broken and carbon monoxide detector. I didn't mention about these issues as I thought I would manage without it but now that LANDLORD is bugging, can I use this against her?

This landlord is 97 years old and has ample of time to sit and mess with people. What can I do if she doesn't agree with the moving part (the reason I rather move is that I sense that she will always complain every other day if she has so much to say in just 5 weeks also, this landlord is very noisy and asks about every guest I have over and complains about the garbage, pounding and my brother overstaying.
So, what will happen if she goes to court and how should I deal with this situation. I recently moved to states from UK and really donât know much about the laws and regulations.

P.S : My brother has been staying with us for 5 weeks (we still have not received his Green Card)
Also my state is NJ
TO ALICIALIONS: Yes, I agree with you. I should have listened to my sixth sense. the letter the LL gave me says that I asked her that my brother is waiting for Green card. So i do have something in writing
to flower- okay, she has my security that she will release after 30 days from moving date.I shouldn't have bothered with this lady ( i did see a red flag when she didn't want to sign the lease. thanks for your input

You move out as soon as it is convenient and put up with her. Do you have a security deposit with her?

Why do people claim the government is not wasteful when the stimulus bill project is paying $27 per light bulb?

turd furge

And we wonder why we have a $13 TRILLION federal debt.

Contractors billed New Jersey $27 for light bulbs, and ran up tens of thousands of dollars in other âunreasonable costsâ on a $119 million weatherization program funded with U.S. stimulus money, the state auditor said.

Out of $613,600 in charges reviewed, $54,000, or 8.8 percent, was deemed unreasonable by Auditor Stephen Eells, according to a Nov. 8 report to lawmakers. The audit examined program oversight by the state Community Affairs Department.

One contractor sought $27 for light bulbs, while another billed $1.50 for similar items, according to the report and Assistant Auditor Thomas Meseroll. Another vendor charged $75 for carbon-monoxide detectors that it had provided to a different program for $22, the report said. Eells also cited $32,700 in auditing fees when âno services had been performedâ and $69,000 in construction costs that couldnât be verified.
"Whoever said the government is not wasteful?"

Liberals, mainly Barack Obama who think that government is the solution for everything.
"That's why you have an auditor."

Auditors, can and often ARE paid off. Like I said, there is a reason we have such a massive debt, it's because of waste and abuse like this.

Firms run by Hillary Clinton pollster Mark Penn stand to make $6M from stimulus plan

Hillary Clinton pollster Mark Penn is looking at some pretty sweet numbers - namely $6 million in federal stimulus dollars awarded to two firms he controls.

The Hill newspaper reported Wednesday that $5.97 million from the $787 billion stimulus package helped preserve three jobs at Burson-Marsteller, the global PR firm headed by Penn.

The Obama administration awarded the contracts to Burson-Marsteller to work on a public-relations campaign to advertise the national switch from analog to digital television.

Nearly $2.8 million of the contract was issued to Penn's polling firm, Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates, according to federal records.

They also show that a former adviser to President Obama's 2008 presidential campaign also received nearly $70,000 from that contract to help alert viewers in difficult-to-reach communities that their televisions would soon no longer receive broadcast signals.

The adviser, Alfredo J. Balsera, who heads a PR firm based in Coral Gables, Fla., helped craft Obama's Hispanic advertising message.


As Secretary of State, Clinton has continued to try and pay off what was a $20 million mountain of leftover campaign debt. And she had largely succeeded - her outstanding debt is down to $995,500.

Every penny of that $995,500 is owed to to Penn's polling firm, Penn, Schoen & Berland, records show.

Oh, and by the way, that 5.9 million helped to "preserve" a grand total of 3 jobs:

"Federal records show that $5.97 million from the $787 billion stimulus helped preserve three jobs at Burson-Marsteller, the global public-relations and communications firm headed by Penn"

Government Spends Millions On $1.50 Per Pound "Stimulus" Ham!

That Costs $.79 Per Pound

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Selasa, 30 Juli 2013

I have a nighthawk carbon monoxide detector, I have no idea what those digital numbers are for?

carbon monoxide detector manual on of carbon monoxide. The carbonmonoxide detector providesthe alarm ...
carbon monoxide detector manual image


I was cooking in the kitchen today and I notice the number got up to 9 but the alarm did not go off. I just want to know about these numbers, I have no idea how far the numbers go. I thank you for your help.

If you can't find the manual, try looking up your model on the internet. The numbers *may* indicate parts per million of CO detected. It takes 1000ppm to cause unconsciousness in an hour, so 9ppm isn't good, but it is considered "normal" background CO.

Take a look at for additional information.

Can cleaners set of a gas detector?


I was cleaning in my bathroom that is attached to my bedroom and the gas/carbon monoxide detector went off saying that it was detecting gas. When I hit the reset button it didn't go off again and according to the instruction manual it would continue to go off if gas was present. I was using Mr. Clean orange scented at the time. Has anyone heard of this happening?

I had the same problem in a fifth wheel a few years ago using hair spray in the bathroom , the technician that came over to check the system told me that those detector are very sensitive and that any kind of strong fumes or chemical mist in the air will in fact set them off , my bathroom was adjacent to my bedroom and closing the door between the two rooms solved the problem for me.

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Senin, 29 Juli 2013

are R.V. trailers required to have Carbon Monoxide Detectors as standard equipment?

carbon monoxide detectors for rv on Motorhomes For Sale By Owners - RV Classifieds
carbon monoxide detectors for rv image


When I had an RV I had one installed--if you have a RV with a generator you would seriously want to have one because of the potential problem with CO2 poisoning.
some people just died up in the Dakotas because of CO2 poisoning while running an on-board generator.

Tips for new class B RV owner?

Q. Just purchased a new Roadtrek. We have always tent camped, so this is new for us. Do you have any tips, tricks, etc. to keep things secured while traveling? Any other advice would be great, as well.

Recommend a few things
Make sure you have spare light bulbs and fuses
Make sure you have a good spare tire-and know how to change a flat
Keep a small toolbox in it. Screwdrivers, pliers, electric tape, etc
Small 1st aid kit
If it did not come with a carbon monoxide detector-buy one-can save your life.

Just a few things that I keep in mine.

Have Fun!!

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How many carbon monoxide detectors are to be installed?

carbon monoxide detectors for your home on Home Heating and Protecting Your Family From Carbon Monoxide Poisoning ...
carbon monoxide detectors for your home image


Beginning as of July 1, 2011, all homes of California must install carbon monoxide detectors. However does the law specify where the detectors are to be installed and how many? Should I just replace every smoke detector with a carbon monoxide/smoke detector or add carbon monoxide detectors in specific spots?

Our towns code states that there should be one for every smoke-detector. And there has to be 1 smoke detector on each story + one in each room that could, possibly, maybe be used as a bedroom someday + one directly outside each room that could, possibly, maybe be used someday as a bedroom + one inside and outside each hallway + one by each egress door + one within 5 feet of the furnace + one in each bathroom
I would need 17 in the house I'm living in. Since the regulations are so stupid and overbearing, I only have 1 (and am in gross violation of the International Property Maintenance Code)

btw I live in a crappy little ghost town in the Midwest
Republicans LOVE pushing regulations on poor people

Which Carbon Monoxide Alarm is best and how many should a home have?


They just passed a law in Illinois saying that you have to have a Carbon Monoxide Detector in your home. Is there a difference between the plug-ins or the battery operated alarm? Also, does a home only need one or should there be an alarm near all appliances?

same rules apply for a smoke detector, one on each level of the house, especially near sleeping areas. Plug in with a battery back up are a little better as people do not tend to remember to change batteries yearly, and a detector does not do you any good if it's dead.

Also if you are a smoker or there is smokers in your house, be aware that sometimes the CO from cigarettes can set up detectors

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Minggu, 28 Juli 2013

Why does my carbon monoxide detector keep going off?

carbon monoxide detectors keep going off on brk electronics model 4120b replacement
carbon monoxide detectors keep going off image
Q. My carbon monoxide detector alarm keeps going off but i don't wanna get the fire department involved if it is nothing...i've tried cleaning it....moving it around the house to different locations and replacing the batteries with new stays off for 5 min at each new location and then goes off again...I live in a medium sized house, all the window etc are open...the central air hasn't been on since last night...I do smoke but, I'm pretty sure that has nothing to do with it?? cuz i've always cats are acting normal as is my bird? what do you think?

Call the fire department. They won't mind. They would rather come out on a nothing call like that, than pick up dead bodies. I did the same thing and they said it was not a problem.

Why does my carbon monoxide alarm keep going off?


Everytime my mother cooks using the stove, the carbon monoxide detector goes off. It seems like every sunday when she cooks for a long period of time faithfully the detector goes off like an hour after the stove has been shut off. I take it down remove the battery and open the windows. about 20 minutes later i put it back alarm goes off. the battery is new so that shouldnt be an issue. The only thing i am fearing is a possible gas leak. What should i do?

It could be a couple of things.
How old is the detector? They have a sensor that only lasts so long and they should be replaced every 5 years.
If your mother is cooking with gas is there an exhaust fan that removes the air to the outside of the house? If not it could be caused by the recirculation of the combustion air back into the flames.
A good flame should also be a light blue, if it is a lazy yellow flame then there isn't enough primary air (air that is mixed with the gas before combustion) if that is the case then you should ask someone who knows how to adjust it and they should also check for soot which may be evidence of flame impingement.
Gas, like electricity, it is safe if done properly but can be very dangerous if done wrong and Carbon monoxide is very dangerous and any warnings should not be ignored.

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Searching to buy a guard dog - what breed would be the best for me?

carbon monoxide detector 3 pack on Kidde 3-Pack Smoke Alarm Value Pack - 0914
carbon monoxide detector 3 pack image


We are about to move to the new house, and we need to buy a dog to guard the property. So far I would like a German shepherd and my husband would like a Rottweiler but it is not a definite choice- maybe some other breed too. I have to have in count the following:
- Dog has to be strong enough to stop intruders from approaching the house (the whole property is well fenced)
- Has to be able to live outside in his own house (here temperatures never fall below 2-3 C )
- Should obey both myself and my husband (especially in the matter of allowing visitors to enter)
- We have a 5 yr old cat that lives in the house with us but should not be harmed if accidentally goes out
- We have no and do not plan children

edit:dog has to live outside because we are home only nights and weekends, not because we don't want to interact-of course we will

If you can't house your lone dog inside with your family, you are not prepared to have a dog and should not have one. Dogs are pack animals and rely on the attention, affection and interaction they get from you. Unless you plan to have multiple dogs that will provide the attention and interaction a dog requires to each other, leaving a dog outside and alone is cruel and often results in behavioral problems like barking, digging and aggression. Since outdoor dogs bark so much, people tend to ignore them anyway. My neighbor had one that barked all the time, which did not endear him to the neighborhood. Nobody payed attention and things were stolen from the alley all the time. Someone even got past the dog and stole a motor scooter right out of his yard!

If you are just looking for a way to protect your home, there are plenty of other options. You can get a security system - these can now be fully integrated with motion sensors that will not pick up your cat, glass breakage detectors, fire and carbon monoxide detectors, remote monitoring, mobile panic buttons for police and medical, cameras, DVRs, etc. Mine even has wireless signal (so you can't cut it off by cutting my phone line). You or your husband is in the military, right? You guys must have guns around and know how to use them, or if he does and you don't, have him teach you and get you a 38 or a 9 - good man stoppers with not much recoil. If you can't stand the thought of a gun, and a high tech security system just isn't enough, get a panic room.

Even the cheapest security system is better security than an outdoor dog that feels unloved and abandoned. If you have a townhouse, the solution is simple - break in from the front yard. If you have a single fence for your whole house, often dogs that feel abandoned and alone will roll over on the owners for a piece of meat and a scratch behind the ears. A professional will generally case your house for a while, and may even befriend your outdoor dog while you are out. If your dog becomes aggressive due to the extended solitude, that is a liability for you. Dogs love to dig, and can make quick work of the dirt under a fence if they want to. Children and teens can often be cruel to outdoor dogs, provoking them further. If your outdoor dog escapes while you are out all day and attacks somebody (who is not going to admit they teased your dog for the past month), that is your liability. I could keep listing off reasons why you should never keep a dog outside its whole life, but I suggest you start with the articles below and then speak to some animal rescues about responsible dog ownership, then determine if you are willing to make room in your family home for one more or if a different security solution would be better for your family.

First home of my own!?

shayla z

Do any of you have tips and what are some good home essentials that are a must to you?

I was in my late 20's when I bought my first home in 2005. Out of all the crazy crap I bought (everything from a Little Giant ladder which I've used like 3 times to all kinds of kitchen appliances I've never used), here are the best things I use:

#1: An electric drill or screwdriver. I went on and spent the $40 and got a name brand battery-pack hand-held drill that comes in a carrying case. It comes with detachable heads for a basic drill, Phillips screwdriver head or flat screwdriver head. You can then use it to hang up pictures within seconds. (Using screws). I use it more than any other tool out there.

#2: A magnetic hand-held paint pot. If you are going to repaint anything, they make this awesome little plastic pot (don't know whatelse to call it), that has refillable liners. There is a magnet at the rim so you can stick your paintbrush against it so it doesn't fall too deep in the paint. You can find it at Home Depot or Lowes. Don't forget the nail hole paste (to fill in old nail holes) or painter's tape.

#3: I have a "library" in my house because I love to read and have all kinds of paperbacks. I had more wall space than floor space (high ceilings), so went to Home Depot and bought shelving systems. You can get all kinds of styles. I have also used their shelves for knick-knacks in other rooms. It was so fun buying the brackets and shelves and then putting them up myself. The shelves are sturdy and easy to hang.

Don't forget to think about your climate in your area. I hadn't thought ahead to winter and so didn't have a snowshovel or ice melt till it was too late. If you have lots of trees around you, you may have lots of leaves drop into your yard in fall. You'll need to decide if you are going to want to rake, or mow over them, etc.

Don't forget safety items like a fire extinguisher. The best thing I've purchased that makes me feel better is a carbon monoxide detector. Hung it up outside my bedroom.

Other than that, I'd chill out buying kitchen appliances (other than your basics you'll need) till you get settled. Then you can see what you really need and want instead of accumulating stuff you'll never use.

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Carbon Monoxide detector is beeping every 30 seconds to 1 minute?

carbon monoxide detector 10 year battery on Carbon Monoxide Detector AND 1 smoke Alarm ( Includes Batterys CE ...
carbon monoxide detector 10 year battery image


My Carbon Monoxide detector has been beeping every 30 seconds to 1 minute for like 12 hours.

Is this just a battery problem? I don't have the time to get a new one or a new battery today, can I just put it outside so I don't have to hear it and get one this week?


Putting it outside will keep you from hearing the beeps, BUT, it will also keep the detector from doing its job. I suggest you buy a new battery. Better to be safe than sorry. How old if the detector? They should be replaced every 10 years or so, sometimes more often.

How to select a carbon monoxide detector.

what is Carbon Monoxide.

Smoke detector going off with no sign of fire?


I'm hoping someone can help me, and it's not an emergency. I've got a smoke detector in my basement that is going off. It's near a dryer and near my oil furnace, but there is no visible fire. I know that a shower can make a smoke detector go off. Is there something that I'm overlooking that would cause this to happen?

First off, if it is indeed a "smoke detector" than rule out Carbon Monoxide, because that's a completely different detector. However, CO detectors CAN look just like a smoke detector, so make sure it isn't a CO detector or you may have anohter problem all together!

If it is a smoke detector, try using the attachments on your vaccum cleaner to suck any dust out of it that may have built up over time. A can of compressed air can also be used to "blow" the dust out. Detectors will often "false alarm" if there is dust built up inside the sensing chamber.

Low batteries do not generally cause a false alarm, but if you haven't replaced the battery in awhile, it's certainly not a bad idea.

Nothing lasts forever. If the detector is older than 10 or 15 years, you may want to consider replacing it with a new one. The battery powered ones are typically about $10, while the hardwired ones will run you about $30.

Good luck.

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