Senin, 26 Agustus 2013

Do air filled balloons float on Carbon Monoxide?

carbon monoxide detector level 6 on Jerome Fire Equipment On Line Store
carbon monoxide detector level 6 image


It is interesting to me that our air filled balloons are floating towards the ceiling. Is it possible that there is something wrong in the room. Could it be carbon monoxide?

NOOOO! because only helium can make the latex balloons fly because helium is very light unlike carbon monoxide. CO (carbon monoxide).
another is Although the molecular weights of these gases differ, convection and not
density differences dominate the distribution of CO, methane etc. The
release of gases associated with combustion tend to rise because they are
hotter than ambient. For this reason smoke detectors and CO detectors are
usually placed high on the walls of hallways etc.

High or low in a room; It makes no difference where you put the detector
-- but not because carbon monoxide and air have approximately the same
density. Both are gases and as a result, diffusion alone and the entropy
effect will take care of mixing them. Any convection currents and/or
forced-air turbulence present will also enable the gases to mix and affect
the detector.

It is popularly misconceived that light (low-density) gases will somehow
float atop heavy (higher density) gases. Indeed, if the higher density gas
was admitted low in the room, and done so in a manner that would not cause
much mixing, it would take a while for the gases to become thoroughly
mixed by the mechanisms mentioned above. Even so, they would eventually mix.

That said, since time to detection may be of the essence, and in
circumstances where the contaminant gas (such as radon -- a gas of very
high density) gets into the room through entry points more or less at
floor level, where one puts the detector can become important.

Air is 1/4 oxygen O2, (weight 16) and mainly nitrogen N2 (weight 14).

CO is weight 12+8 = 20, so heavier than "air"
Methane (natural gas) is CH4 = 12 + 4(1) = 16, so mixes with air fairly
well, hard to say.

I would put the CO and methane detectors near the furnace.

Air is 1/4 oxygen O2, (weight 16) and mainly nitrogen N2 (weight 14).

CO is weight 12+8 = 20, so heavier than "air"
Methane (natural gas) is CH4 = 12 + 4(1) = 16, so mixes with air fairly
well, hard to say.

I would put the CO and methane detectors near the furnace.

Neither, for the most part.
Carbon monoxide has nearly the same density as air.
You'll notice that the manufacturer's instructions that come with the
detector don't say high or low either.

The density of a gas is proportional to the weight of a single molecule of
that gas.

So you figure relative buoyancy for yourself if you start learning a few
atomic weights:
H=1, He=4, C=12, N=14, O=16.

Add them up for the molecular weights of pure gasses:
H2 = (1+1) = 2, very light
He = (4) = 4, very light
N2 = (14+14 ) = 28, about neutral
O2 = (16+16) = 32, slightly heavy
CO2= (12+16+16)= 44, heavy
CO = (12+16) = 28, about neutral
CH4= (12+4*1) = 18, light (majority part of natural gas)
H2O= (2*1+16) = 18, light (steam)
C2H6=(2*12+6*1)= 30, about neutral (minority part of natural gas)
C3H8=(8 + 3*12)= 42, heavy (propane)
C4H10=(10+4*12)= 58, (butane)
C5H12=(12+5*12)= 70, pentane, lightest part of gasoline

For mixed gasses just take a proportionate average:
Air is 80% N2 + 20% O2 .
air = 0.8(28) + 0.2(32) = 29 (exactly neutral, by definition)

So pure carbon monoxide is actually about 3% lighter than air.
But usually it is made in modest concentrations, mixed in with the normal
combustion products: CO2, H2O.
Which are always mixed with the 80% Nitrogen that never participates in
Then that mixes with room air, making an even smaller concentration...

And there are uncertainties...
Some fuels make light exhaust (more H2O), some make heavy (more CO2).
Then when the exhaust cools the light part, H20 (steam), may condense and
drop out.
Not to mention that the exhaust gas was expanded when hot, and it
contracts as it cools.
No rule can predict which way it is going to go in most circumstances.

Because it travels in whatever directions your air normally
circulates, which varies,
it is difficult in most homes to find an advantageous position where CO
will enter or concentrate.
So we settle for any convenient position, or one associated with that
which we wish to protect,
namely us, breathing in air at medium heights.

My CO detector is at about waist-level in a hallway, partly because there
was a convenient power socket there.
Also the only air-intake to the house heater is there, so virtually all
the air in the house will pass that position regularly.

Doing a really good job needs more than one detector, but they are not
cheap enough for that yet.
One for each potential source of monoxide, plus one for each
protectee. Maybe someday.
Meanwhile, if I had a wall heater, I wouldd definitely place my one
detector near there, probably high up.

Home evaluation for department of family and children services?


I have a set of twin cousins in a foster home right now and I am trying to have them placed in my home so they are coming out to do a home evaluation tomorrow what are they looking for so I can pass this and get them in my home?

I actually do "homestudies" for the state of Utah. Everything needs to be safe for the child. My agency requires the child to have their own bedroom, but if they are siblings, then they can share. Own beds, that are sturdy (not air mattresses).

Windows need to have screens. There must be two exits in case of fire on each level (windows count). Fridge, stove, microwave, etc...needs to be working. There needs to be smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors on each level. We require fire a extinguisher. Emergency numbers posted by the phone. 3 steps or more require a banister. Bathrooms must be in working order. Heater must be able to maintain temperature of at least 68 degrees.

Furnace must have cleared space of 6 ft around it. (Or be in its own closet). Medications, firearms, and hazardous materials must be locked. Garbage must be sanitary. Those are the ones I can think of for the actual homestudy. If they don't have any of these things that can be easily fixed, we just let them know what they need to do, and we come back for a follow up visit and most likely we can approve their home.

We also do an intensive interview process to ask them about their marriage, (how they handle issues) extended family(support system), and kids. We also ask the kids in the home some questions about having foster siblings. We also talk to them about their lifestyle, activities, typical day, or week. The questions take about an hour or so, and we have foster kids with disabilities so it's a little more intense.

That is awesome that you are willing to take in your cousins. I wish I had more relatives willing to take in their family. That's so important, and kudos for doing that. I'm sure that because you are related, they will help you in any possible way to make it a successful placement.

I hope this helped you, best of luck!!!

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