Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013

Should i be worried about carbon monoxide in my house?

carbon monoxide detectors how long do they last on Services - VERVE Gas Ltd
carbon monoxide detectors how long do they last image

What's up

for the last couple of days, my heater fan blower thing outside has been making loud sceeching noises.

this morining, the fan doesnt work at all. cool air was coming out of the vents.

is it possible for carbon monoxide to come into your house because of this.

do we got to keep the indows open all day long if there is any in the house?

No heat = no combustion = no carbon monoxide.

Close your windows, stay warm, and get it fixed.

And a detector is a good investment.

I have a wood burning stove and the other day when I woke up..?


there was smoked in the house because the stove backed up, i have a smoked detector and a carbon monoxide detector and neither of them went off, I pushed the test buttons on them and they beeped should I be worried they aren't working properly? and how can i find out if they are working right?

You can buy smoke detector test spray at the hardware store, or home improvement center.
It's an aerosol it will trip the detector when sprayed.
If the CO2 detector is more than 5 years old, replace it as that is how long they last because of the materials used to sense the CO2 breaks down.
Get your chimney cleaned too!
Hope this helped, good luck!!

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