Senin, 16 Juni 2014

Where should I put the Carbon Monoxide detector?


I recently purchased only one carbon monoxide detector, and I live in a three story house. The furnace is in the basement, if that effects anything :) Please help me decide where to put it in order to be safe!

Where Should I Place a Carbon Monoxide Detector?

Because carbon monoxide is slightly lighter than air and also because it may be found with warm, rising air, detectors should be placed on a wall about 5 feet above the floor. The detector may be placed on the ceiling. Do not place the detector right next to or over a fireplace or flame-producing appliance. Keep the detector out of the way of pets and children. Each floor needs a separate detector. If you are getting a single carbon monoxide detector, place it near the sleeping area and make certain the alarm is loud enough to wake you up.

Carbon Monoxide!?!?!?


I need a list of all the places carbon monoxide can leak from in the home, and why it leaks. I overreact I guess but I just want to be safe so I'm worried please help!!!
And yes I have carbon monoxide detectors.

Carbon monoxide forms when an carbon based fuel (all gas, petrol, fuel, ethanol) doesn't burn with enough oxygen to form carbon dioxide. This happens everytime you use a gas device, because the oxygen is just not concentrated enough in the local area to allow for the fuel to burn completely and leave no carbon monoxide. This is natural and not to worry about.

I imagine you're most likely to be at risk from faulty combustion devices like furnaces, gas fireplaces and heaters and spirit burners. Anything that burns gas and isn't in a well ventilated area (that's why outdoor stoves are fine, the wind just blows the carbon monoxide away) should be checked.
I stress that these products would have had to meet a certain level of quality before being sold to you - and that regular maintanence would avoid any leaks/ build up. If in doubt, consult your local firebrigade - i'm serious, they'd be glad to help, it's their job.

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