Jumat, 21 Februari 2014

How do you crate train a puppy?


I know this sounds like a dumb question but my family dogs have always been outside dogs, and been allowed to do their own thing.. but now I live on my own and I'm getting a pug, and of course he will live inside with me. But since I've never had to crate train a pup, im not sure how to go about doing it. He'll be 8 weeks old when i get him so how should i do this? should I leave him in his crate for a couple hours a day? do i leave him there all night?? I know puppies can't hold their bladder for more than a couple hours so do I get up at night and let him out a couple times? or I also got him a play pen, should i just leave him there over night?
I never worried about this with my older dogs, they always just went in the grass whenever they liked! lol
I would appreciate any guidelines you guys can offer! I know i can just google it, but I always find that actually reading responses from different people is a big help!

Well when you go to sleep, yes he should be put into his crate. Though of course he'll wake you up when he has to go, he'll whine and whimper when he's put in there but after a while they get used to it. My pup now just cries when he has to go out, or hears someone come into the house.

First you want to get a crate that will fit his full size, http://www.walmart.com/ip/24-ASPCA-Kennel-Dogs/10996951 that should do it. We got that as our pups first crate, though he outgrew it. With a mutt its harder to tell how big they'll get. Anyhow, you'll want to section it off so its just big enough for your pup to lay and turn around in. This is to help prevent accidents within the crate, dogs instinctively don't go where they sleep. However if you don't section it off, it could be big enough for him to go and get away from it. Smaller dogs have smaller bladders, so he'll probably have to go a few times a night. Trust me, at first its frustrating but as he gets older he'll go less and less during the night. Just be ready, like keep your shoes by your bed and a jacket if it's nippy at night. Also keep his leash by his crate as well as his collar.

During the day I kept my pup out for about an hour so every few hours to play and such, but then for about an hour or two I'd put him in his crate to get some rest, I did this when he was about your dogs age. You'll want to watch out for the signs when your dog has to go, such as sniffing the floor, you'll learn your dogs specific signs as to when he has to go. As weird as it sounds, my pup would sniff the carbon monoxide detector when he had to go. o.o I'd suggest keeping his leash and collar on him when he's out for easy access. I would keep the play pen for blocking areas off, keeping him contained when you have to get something real quick, or for a nap. Though I just used that for the first two. Make sure that he has some toys in his crate to chew on during the night such as kongs, especially frozen ones with some peanut butter in them. My dog LOVES that. :P

When he goes outside, create a word like 'go potty' or 'go to it'. Praise him EVERY time he goes. Do not scold him if he goes in the house, just clean it up. I usually took my pup out every five minutes after hard play, drinking or eating. If he went in the house I'd take him outside because he usually had some more left in him and then of course cleaned up the mess.

Sorry this is a bit jumbled, thinking as I go along. If you have any questions feel free to email me!

Edit: Oh! And also ignore him when he whines, howls whatever in the crate. It takes them a while to get used to it and my pup did this for about 15 minutes before he calmed down. If he does wake up and starts crying then he has to go out.

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