Senin, 17 Februari 2014

Carbon Monoxide Detector?


Recently i've had a carbon monoxide detector put into my new house, but i only have one upstairs next to the boiler in a room where the door is shut, will the CO detector still track the carbon monoxide from far away relatively quickly if the source is coming from downstairs?

Pretty much yes - with one or two caveats.

The detector will detect CO from anywhere - it looks at the levels, not the source. It was put near the boiler because that would be the most obvious source of CO.

CO is a pretty reactive gas, there isn't very much six inches away from a car exhaust for instance because most of it will have turned into the much more harmless CO2 by then. A car in an enclosed space like a garage is a different beast though, and CO could easily build up then!

If CO is an issue for you then leave a window open when you're at home if you can. This will go a very, very long way in keeping you safe. x

Carbon Monoxide from the Garage?


My wife wanted a warm car before she left for work on this icy winter day. She opened up the garage half way (to keep out cold air) and started the car. When I went out there it was smoky in the garage. I checked the car and it wasn't overheating, but I turned it off anyway. While I was panicking about the smoke, though, I left the door to the house open and now it smells like exhaust inside. I've turned on the bathroom and stove vents, but is that enough? Is this something I should worry about? I can't see any smokyness inside, but I smell it. I don't have a carbon monoxide detector.

no, u should be fine. one little blast of exhaust smoke wont make a difference. Now if you left the car running with the door open for a long time, THEN you'd be in trouble. But other than that, everythings cool.

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