Selasa, 21 Januari 2014

Smoke Detectors Question?

carbon monoxide detectors ny on Alarming News About Carbon Monoxide | The Irvington Dispatch
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I just moved into a whole house and have noticed that there is one non working old as dirt smoke detector in the kitchen and non anywhere else in the house.

How many smoke detectors do i need?
I live in upstate NY
The house has a full unfinished basement, first floor,second floor with 4 bedrooms and bathroom, unfinished attic.
Gas heat and stove- so do i need a carbon monoxide detector?
I have two small children
The house is not new, its an older victorian

Any info would be helpful as to the amount and placement!! Thank you!

Not sure what the laws are regarding them, but I will give you best practices.

There should be at least one smoke detector and one carbon monoxide detector on each level of the home.

Each bedroom should have it's own smoke detector, preferably near the door to catch any smoke entering from the hallway.

Don't put a smoke detector in the kitchen due to nuisance alarms, but it's a good idea to have one nearby.

So I would recommend 8 smoke alarms and 3 CO detectors. If you want you can substitute 3 CO/smoke combo detectors.

Put one in each bedroom, one in the main hall on the second floor, two on the main floor, and one or two in the basement depending how big it is.

is it mandatory to have a carbon monoxide detector in a warehouse?


My boyfriend works in a warehouse in Buffalo, NY.
His father works for National Fuel and he came into the warehouse because Joe (boyfriend) kept getting head aches.. getting dizzy and migraines.
He said that the entire warehouse was measuring at at least 75 ppm
Then he told us that when it is even 35 ppm you should get a blood test if you have been feeling symptoms.

So Joe bought a Carbon Monoxide Detecter and put it in the warehouse .. and it keeps going off non-stop.. and his boss yells at him to take it down.

Here in NY.. i know that when you buy a house.. or rent a home.. the home HAS TO HAVE a carbon monoxide detector.
What about warehouses?

Joe is going to get bloodwork done this week..
His boss is being a real jerk about it.. calling him weak.. because he goes through so much aspirin from head aches and stuff.
Should he take legal action if his boss does nothing about the Carbon Monoxide?

Any advice would really help.. thank you so much.

yes he is creating a unsafe work environment

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