carbon monoxide detector 9v image
Yesterday evening my smoke alarm started beeping every minute - I then put in a new 9V battery which seemed to do the trick. However, today in the morning the alarm went off, then again peace, and now it's beeping every six minutes. Please, tell me what I should do, this damn thing is directly next to my bedroom! As far as I can tell the battery has to be for backup only (since it's even beeping with the battery out) but it seems to be glued and/or screwed to the ceiling, so I don't know how easy it would be to take it off. Also, what voltage would it use - dangerous to cut the cables if I can find them? Any help much appreciated!!!
Some smoke detectors are hard-wired into a home's electricity. They may even be wired where if one detects a problem they all go off. Since it is too warm for the furnace to be on the smoke detector should not be reacting to carbon monoxide. You would have a headache, and be tired and listless if there were carbon monoxide.
Some smoke detectors have a reset button that must be pressed after the battery is replaced before the beeping will stop. Below are some links that may provide help, and you can also "search" your question. Different search engines often bring up completely different sites.
Some smoke detectors are hard-wired into a home's electricity. They may even be wired where if one detects a problem they all go off. Since it is too warm for the furnace to be on the smoke detector should not be reacting to carbon monoxide. You would have a headache, and be tired and listless if there were carbon monoxide.
Some smoke detectors have a reset button that must be pressed after the battery is replaced before the beeping will stop. Below are some links that may provide help, and you can also "search" your question. Different search engines often bring up completely different sites.
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