Rabu, 09 April 2014

is it mandatory to have a carbon monoxide detector in a warehouse?


My boyfriend works in a warehouse in Buffalo, NY.
His father works for National Fuel and he came into the warehouse because Joe (boyfriend) kept getting head aches.. getting dizzy and migraines.
He said that the entire warehouse was measuring at at least 75 ppm
Then he told us that when it is even 35 ppm you should get a blood test if you have been feeling symptoms.

So Joe bought a Carbon Monoxide Detecter and put it in the warehouse .. and it keeps going off non-stop.. and his boss yells at him to take it down.

Here in NY.. i know that when you buy a house.. or rent a home.. the home HAS TO HAVE a carbon monoxide detector.
What about warehouses?

Joe is going to get bloodwork done this week..
His boss is being a real jerk about it.. calling him weak.. because he goes through so much aspirin from head aches and stuff.
Should he take legal action if his boss does nothing about the Carbon Monoxide?

Any advice would really help.. thank you so much.

yes he is creating a unsafe work environment

Are gas detectors mandatory?


I just moved into a new house and was wondering if gas (from a stove) detectors are mandatory, for a landlord to put in the house. I haven't asked him yet but will soon. The reason I ask is cause 3 months ago, friends of the family died because of it. Apparantly Grandma forget to turn off the stove and the house blew off killing 4 people instantly. Shouldn't there have been some sort of device the beeps of warns if it detects gas? Got me concerned hope u guys can help. Thanks.
Yea, I feel the same way but what I should of said and meant to, if its mandatory by law
I feel the same way but what I meant if its mandatory by law.

No, it's not mandatory or even necessary. Unlike carbon monoxide, fuel gas has an odor. In fact, the only place you can get a gas sniffer is from a trades supplier. They make hand held models for service technicians and models for commercial buildings. I don't believe there is a model for residential applications. If you smell gas, you call 911. If you go away for an extended amount of time, turn the gas off,

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