Rabu, 15 Januari 2014

Did the halogen lights set off my fire alarm?

carbon monoxide detectors amazon on ... -Operated Carbon Monoxide Alarm with Digital Display - Amazon.com
carbon monoxide detectors amazon image

Just Curio

I was using two of these (http://www.amazon.com/Fancierstudio-Halogen-Lighting-Barndoor-Focusable/dp/B005UG88DK/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1367700368&sr=8-2&keywords=fresnel) to shoot a few scenes in my basement and they were in the same room as what I thought was just a smoke detector (although now I think it maybe detects some other stuff too). The fire alarm went off and my family constantly complains about the strange smell they put off, kind of burnt-smelling, but not exactly. Anyway, would the heat from the lights set a fire alarm off? Do smoke detectors detect heat too? But they weren't near the detector, just in the same room. Also do halogen lights release carbon monoxide? These may be carbon monoxide detectors too...

Your answer is No, No, No. Your smoke detector is most likely an ion detector. Those hot lights are turning dust , mold etc. into ions and is setting off the alarm. Only way to get carbon monoxide is incomplete combustion of carbon based fuel. Lights are not issue. Suggestion, if this is a problem go to the big box store and get a smoke alarm that is a "photoelectric" type and it will do the job and not get set off by hot lights. They are actually better as they will detect slow smoky fires way before the ion type.

How do i know if i am safe to turn on my furnace?


I am renting a 1970s trailer, and my landlord says he replaced some parts of my furnace, but I'm still terrified to turn it on. How do I know if I am safe? I looked it up online and was told to check to see if animals live inside or anything, but I don't even know where to start looking! I have renters insurance, but I'm terrified of fires, and instead went out and purchased some electric heaters but I will not leave them on when I am not home, and I live in mountains in new york. The warmest its been is about 40, and everywhere says it should be at least 50 in my house so my pipes don't freeze!

Turn off all power to anything that sparks before trying to start it, and open the windows.

But think about getting a carbon monoxide and explosive gas detector http://www.amazon.com/Kidde-KN-COEG-3-Nighthawk-Monoxide-Explosive/dp/B0002EVNJ6/ref=sr_1_5?s=hi&ie=UTF8&qid=1353445241&sr=1-5&keywords=gas+detector , that one just plugs into an outlet. It's a great idea to have one, more and more municipalities are requiring CO detectors, and why not get the additional benefit of testing for explosive gas?

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