Kamis, 21 November 2013

Best jammies for potty training? Keeping her warm in our arctic bathroom while she goes? ?

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Ok, so my daughter wants to pottytrain, which is all good. She comes to me and lets me know when she wants to go sit on the potty and try because she has an Elmo potty book that she only gets to read while on the potty. However, the apartment we live in is heated by a reverse airflow heater located in the dining room, and it doesn't heat any further than the dining room and living room. We are not bringing the potty into the dining room, it's not an option as she likes to use the big potty more often than not when she's trying to go. So we'll already have to give up the warm fleece footie pajamas that she likes to wear all day long because she can't get them all the way off yet, but she doesn't like to wear jeans and whatnot because her room is really chilly too, although it's warm enough that she doesn't get sick, she likes to play in there. I just can't see putting her in a snowsuit, and all longjohns I see in her size are one piece. I plan on buying several garanimals sweatsuits to help keep her warm during the day, but what kind of jammies should I be searching for, that aren't too expensive? Do they make sink and toliet paper toddler locks? If we leave the bathroom door open, she wants to play kitty and unroll the toliet paper into a giant mess, as well as put some in the sink and turn it on to see what happens because she can stand on the toliet and reach the sink. She already flooded the apartment downstairs once, and we got a warning, so we've been having to leave the door shut, and with no vents it's very very cold in there. The other great feature in our apartment is lack of electrical outlets, there are none in the bathroom or the hall, so we can't put a little heater in there, and any outlets accesible by extension cord are so loose that plugs fall right out of them(my boyfriend has to hold the plug in while I sweep the floor) We've asked our landlord to replace or fix some things, his response was to install a gas heater in the bathroom that says right on the side, do not use in a bathroom- may rust out and leak carbon monoxide. Not to mention my boyfriends knees hit it when he sits on the toliet, and if it's hot he'll be burned, and it's within easy reach of my daughter as well, so we can't use it, period. Turning it on is not an option for obvious safety reasons.
So how best to keep warm, yet accesible for potty training?
Ideas please(and we can't move, we'd have to pay over 3500 dollars just to break our lease, plus a deposit on another apartment, and we just don't have that kind of money), and somehow this firetrap was certified as a legal residence.


Wow that sounds bad. Ok not going to send links etc but you can buy thermal vests to put under clothes. You can buy fleece sweatshirts in the day and even for her to sleep in. She is probably warmer in layers.

As for the heater in the bathroom that does sound daft. It sounds like the door should be shut when the bathroom is not in use because of your daughter able to flood it with your back turned. I would find a way to lock it, have a potty in her bedroom or dining room for emergency use but tell her she needs to tell you when she wants to use the big potty. By doing this there is the option for turning the heater on in the bathroom for short spurts of time with the door closed to heat the room. This could be done perhaps when she is in bed, with you and your boyfriend aware that it is hot and don't touch. The carbon dioxide factor of it is a concern though - and that is an understatement. You can buy carbon dioxide detectors for a small price - although how effective they are I don't know. You can also keep an eye on it to check for erosion.

I know you can't move out straight away but I would save up for that day. You can get padded pyjamas and fleece trousers etc, get warm socks etc. Are you with an agency that you can get extension plugs sorted - in the UK it is illegal to have unsafe things like that including carbon monoxide releasing equipment with yearly gas checks. Check what the rental laws are in your area so you know what you can ask your landlord for and what you can't.

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