Minggu, 23 Maret 2014

I think I have a Carbon Monoxide leak in my apt!?


I think I have a Carbon Monoxide leak in my apt and was told to hold match under the flue to check, if the match went out then there was a leak! Has anyone ever heard of doing this and if so does it work?!?!?!

Using a match is what techs do to check the vent on a natural draft appliance. Like everyone else said you should invest in a CO detector first. Walmart sells them now for less than $ 20.
Next call your gas co. to come and check your place, no charges from gas companies for safety checks. They will have a detector to check for problems which could be present only when a unit is on.

Can my central air heating be giving off carbon monoxide?


My central air is pretty old i always use the c/a on hot days ive never turned it on hot for cold says well its freezing and ive turned it on it smells weird in the vents but my landlord said. That it hasnt been used in yrs so thats the smell its not as strong as now the appliance were u put the vent is old but i have a brand new boiler and the flame in the central air appliance thats in the inside is a light blue they told me i should.worry if it was yellow is this true please help i dont want me or my son to get carbon monoxide poisoning

A furnace will often smell strange when it's first turned on after being off for some time. You're probably OK but you can buy inexpensive plug-in carbon monoxide detectors that will alert you if dangerous levels of CO are present.


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