Sabtu, 22 Maret 2014

What do we need for our first apartment and what does (all utilities) mean?

Your born

I need help finding out what we absolutely need when we move into a new apartment. It will be me, my bf, our 1yo son and a baby on the way. We're trying to get this place that has 2 bedrooms fully equipped. We don't have much money so we don't need to go overboard with things just the essentials for now. We don't have anything yet. Thanks for the help!

One other question, rent is $655 including all utilities. My SO works 8hrs a day and gets paid $11 by then he'll be getting paid $13.40 the hour do you think we would make enough to live on our own with two kids? I'm a SAHM.
(This means the utilities are included in the rent $655 right?)
*Utilities Included: All Utilities, Water, Garbage & Sewer*
*This is the website for the apartments we're looking at that says about the utilities if you don't know what I'm talking about, first time renting our own place!
"Eligible residents pay 30% of their adjusted gross income. Rents range from $0-$862 "
"Application Fee: No, Security Deposit : 1 Mo Rent"

We have WIC since I'm pregnant and for our 1yo. We can most probably make it without food stamps but if we need it I know how to apply for that since my moms on it. SAHM: Stay at home mom.

Ok so it is a little unclear to me if you are getting furniture. If yes, awesome --- inspect really well for bugs BEFORE you move any of your stuff in. -- including carpet. You do not want a used mattress, period. Ask them if they can store them - and have them write on the lease or even just a note that they are doing this. Either way, before you move in - you need to thoroughly inspect the place, everywhere. Mold, bugs, check for anything that looks wrong. Check for leaky faucets and that your appliances all work correctly. You want to bleach clean everything. And I mean every inch - floor, wall, cabinets, everything. If there is any mold or bugs it is NOT safe for you being pregnant or for your baby. Rent a carpet shampoo-er and seriously get that place spectacular. Your babies are going to be crawling on the floor and then put their fingers in their mouths. Do not move in on the first day - get that place clean!! If there are any problems or if anything is broken - write it down and take pictures. If your apartment does come with furniture - take a complete inventory. Also, be really careful if you have shared laundry - cleanliness wise. If you have your own laundry - run the washer through with hot water and bleach twice and then once to rinse. (same goes for dishwasher) Make sure your fire detectors work. Make sure you have a fire extinguisher. Make sure you have a carbon monoxide detector. Find out if your locks have been changed since the previous owner -- if not, get them changed - you will need to clear it with management. If you have a heating unit or a/c in the unit - check for safety, that it works (yes your heat even though it is July) and if the filters need to be replaced. Don't forget to scrub out your oven and fridge REALLY good. Do not use a built in ice-maker until you have run it through 2 complete batches. If the apartment / carpet smell at all --- buy a few boxes of baking soda and put it all over the carpet and leave it for 24 hours -- this will pull odors out. Also, always keep an open baking soda in your fridge and one in your freezer. Check the windows and doors to make sure they are safe and child proof.

Utilities means electricity, water, gas, sewer. And yours also has garbage. (NEVER park near the garbage!) I looked at the website - it says cable ready which means you have the wires needed to buy cable for your TV -- it doesn't come with it. Most likely you will have some kind of internet connection also - again extra. If you do not have an internet connection - talk with management and get it done before you move in. Actually, that goes for anything you need to be fixed or done -- trust me, get it all done before you move in. Oh, and your phone would not be included either.

As for what you need: Beds, mattresses, bedding, towels and bathroom necessities. Replace the shower curtain. A toliet bowl plunger and scrub brush. Broom and vacuum. (expensive but necessary w/ the babies). Garbage cans. Microwave. At least one pan and one skillet. Some dishes & utensils. Otherwise, in the kitchen buy it as you need it. You probably want a table and chairs - but honestly you can live without -- You can eat and do pretty much everything sitting on the floor if you have to. (been there) If you do not have A/C you NEED a fan. lighting. Bucket and cleaning supplies. A laundry basket. Seriously, everything else you can wait on so don't buy it until you need it if you don't have the money. Don't run your account low buying things to make it homey or because you might need it or want it until you have at least 1 month of cash set aside in case there is anything you NEED. Raid family and freinds houses if you can for extras. Then watch for sales / clearances.

I know I just threw alot at you but I learned the hard way on alot. If you can't keep one months rent/bills/expenses/food/diapers on hand - either you or your SO need to find a job somewhere. Do NOT run yourself so low that you get in trouble. Candles that smell yummy are no good when you can't afford the food that is yummy. You will have alot of little things that you are going to want but they add up really fast. Good luck & congrats on the new place and the baby on the way!

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